Kodak Vs. Fujifilm

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Kodak vs. Fujifilm

Kodak vs. Fujifilm


Film industry faced various changes over years. It was known that Kodak was pioneer of film industry in U.S. along with several other areas of the world. The specialty of the Kodak was in cameras and photographic film market which made Kodak to expand rapidly in its business operation. However, when industry faced technological changes and there was shift from photographic film to digital imaging. The response of Kodak towards technological changes was slow which results in decrease in market share and its competitor, Fujifilm responded well to the change and gained lost market of Kodak an became market leader of digital photography and imaging (Landsburg, 2011). This essay analyzes and compares management approaches of both businesses.


Eastman Kodak Company

Eastman Kodak Company is the provider and manufacturer of imaging technology products services that are related to the imaging and graphic communications markets. Majorly the business operates in United States and is headquartered in United States Rochester, New York. There are 17,100 employees working in Kodak at the end of December 2011. Kodak recorded revenues of USD 6,022 million during FY 2011 which was approximately 16 percent below the revenues it generated in FY 2010. Also business recorded operating loss of USD 600 million with a net loss of USD 764 million as compared to the loss USD 336 million and USD 687 million accordingly.

Eastman Kodak Company started its business in 1879 with manufacturing of dry plates. In 1880, George Eastman took U.S. patent for his machine for plate coating and became commercial producer of dry plates. In the following year Mr. Eastman formed a partnership Henry Strong named Eastman Dry Plate Company and after two year of partnership they launched film rolls along with holders for rolls that can be adjusted on almost every plate camera that is available in the market. In 1884, the company in partnership again changed its name to Eastman Dry Plate and Film Company and adding 14 more partners to their portfolio. Later in 1889 the company was named as Eastman Company and then it was again renamed to Eastman Kodak Company in 1892 and since then the name was not changed. In 1901, Eastman Kodak Company of New Jersey was formed under state laws. In 1903, Kodak introduced non-curling film and this became standard for amateur photography for 30 years after the introduction. Inventions of Kodak continue and it introduced world's first practical safety film commercially during 1908. Kodak also opened its manufacturing plant in Australia in 1908. Kodak entered in motion picture by introducing 16mm film, 16mm motion picture camera and projector in 1923 and launched first Kodacolor film in 1928. In the following year, company introduced motion film that is capable of making sound motion picture. Company entered in healthcare business in 1986 forming a separate division of Eastman Pharmaceutical Division. Later in 1988, business acquired Sterling Drug and sold its healthcare related business and non imaging business. Kodak launched its website in ...