Kodak Case Analysis

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Kodak Case Analysis

Kodak Case Analysis


Bella must work personally and directly with the BT Wang to make sure that the project of Bart is finished in the expected frame of time and must insure the quality of the product. Bella must make sure that there should be no repetition of the prior mistakes and those mistakes should be avoided when working for the Bart project. Bella to great extent is following this strategy of closely interacting with the BT as BT called Bella because he needed to get himself updated on the process of selection of team. Bella was educating BT on the process of commercialization of GDR. Bella cleared Bart that even though that the quotes were according to the target of cost and market delivery, still the major challenge was convincing the prosecution of management. The main key for the success of the project is working directly and strongly as an individual team. This team must share ideas and must not give up until the execution of the product launch.

Bella will be afraid of previous unsuccessful attempts. As the main challenge for the project of Bart was unsuccessful attempts that were made by some other teams at the GDR for the development of the lower cost and profitable film scanner. Bella was concerned as many of the mangers of Bella were the pert of these previous train wreckages. Bella had this accountability of commercializing the scanner in the expected time that was nine months. Bella had to work with the partner who was situated overseas. The launch of Bart scanner was supposed to coincide with the new level introduction of dental films and intended to permit GDR the generation of the required cash that could be utilized for future products. The designing and launch of Bart scanner in nine months was going to be bigger challenge as compared to each prototype creation. Bella should ensure that the Bart launch will not be devastating or unsuccessful. Bella should make sure that he stays in the provided lower cost budget and should also that the Bart scanner will be cost-effective product.

BT must work efficiently and closely with the team of Bart to make sure that the delivery of project is accomplished without any delays. The BT has the most important part in the project as BT is the one assisting to build prototype of Bart. Bella was expecting the phone call from BT as Bella was fully dependant on BT about the working of the Bart model. BT was the man of his words, he called Bella and assured that Bart model is working and asked Bella about the appropriate time for the product demonstration to the managers of the GDR.


The team must always follow the process that is recommended. In this case that process will be the process of commercialization recommended by GDR. The process of commercialization of GDR was outstanding and was comprised of five gates and phases. The initial phase was the concept of product that was followed ...
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