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Eastman Kodak Company

Executive Summary

The revolution in the Digital Imaging highlights the importance towards developing the technical expertise with the advent of the digital technology that is being offered in the present day. Identification and the facing of general drawbacks which are associated with the development is important for developing the business. The sustainability and growth of the competitive achievement for the firms which are struggling in the technology based industry rely on many factors such as novel concept, innovation, technical changes and creativity.

Kodak faced many problems due to its ability to capture the market of digital technology. It continued focusing on the traditional mode of photography which was its lucrative business and did not change itself with the advent of digital technology. The competitors worked on the digital technology along with the ability to push Kodak and take control of the market.

Executive Summaryi



Overview of Company2

Internal Analysis3

Marketing and Image3

Financial Analysis5

SWOT Analysis7





External Analysis11

PESTEL Analysis11

Porter's Five Forces Model14

Future Analysis17


Corporate Strategy18

Business Strategy18



Eastman Kodak Company


Behind a phase of exponential development, Digital Imaging Industry is progressively moving towards the maturity stage of the industry lifecycle. Revolution in the Digital Imaging Industry signifies towards the development of technical expertise from analogue electric and motorized mechanisms to the advent of digital technology offered in the present day. This revolution in the Digital Industry also shows the commencement of the Information Age. The digital era began in the year 1980 and is still in progress. In the last 25 years, the advent of digital technology has altered the manner we work and participate in different activities. Digital revolution is helping people to work beyond acknowledgment.

All organizations come across with the range of issues in the Digital Imaging Industry. As companies develops, different challenges and options stipulate diverse and innovative solutions-what functioned well a year ago may not be the best approach to satisfy present needs. Identifying and facing the general drawbacks linked with development is important to make business to continue to develop. The growth and sustainability of competitive achievement for a firm struggling in a techno-based industry can turn out to be reliant on many factors that take account of innovation, novel concept, creativity, technical changes, changing preferences of consumers and shifts in market segment trends in which the company is competing. Through a management report, this paper will address and discuss the significance of all these factors, for organization and product success for the chosen company—EastMan Kodak and its product Digital Cameras.

Source: www.kodak.com


Overview of Company

The Digital Imaging Industry carries on developing more quickly than ever before. To remain in the leading position and take hold of the market share, Eastman Kodak, a global venture with around 76,000 workers and functions in almost 30 nations, has employed different strategically approaches, together with innovative cost-cutting measures, affiliations, digitalization and network-approaches. It is important to build a novel, innovative-determined business pattern, and Aventail is facilitating them to achieve something and stay competitive in the market.

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