Knowledge Creation

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Knowledge Creation

Knowledge Creation

Knowledge Creation


The domain of managers has become the most important and strategic job because of continuous bombardment of knowledge and data every day and every minute. The management specialists are on the view that it's hard to find out which data is knowledgeable and which is to be excluded when you are at work. This continuous overload of data in different forms restrains a manager in order to make decisions or take acute steps.

This overload is making the decision process lengthy and time consuming on the other hand, most of the time managers take wrong decisions (Alavi, 1999, pp. 1). Therefore, this bombardment of data is increasing the importance and making it critical. The data is also important because without it decisions cannot be taken. According to (CEC) the corporate executive council sets examples of managing the noise, share information, and improve their decision-making.


Knowledge management is one of the most critical issues in developing the business affairs. Companies are struggling to keep respecting reached any change in global society. The need adaptation in line with rapid changes is imperative for survival in society. Faced with a new form of work organization are turning more and acquire new knowledge quickly and its accumulation as the only guarantee of the future (Rousseau, 2006, pp. 262). Longer term, it is a process initiated at the moment Organizations realizes that there are gaps and deficiencies.

Strategic Role of Knowledge Management

Knowledge has a strategic role to position and ability to create the future, and to respond to relevant business opportunities. In this regard developed world already has a strategy which, how, who and when, while less-developed countries will likely discuss what with the knowledge to be gained when it.

Knowledge management can provide adaptation, survival and competence despite the unpredictability of the new the world of business. Synergy and combination of familiar and new as the process of exploiting the combination of data and capacity and info technology requires, in addition to creativity and innovation, systematic procedure. It is therefore organized access to more than necessary (Alavi & Leidne, 2001, pp. 107-136).

Era of Knowledge Management

It is the era which is termed as "knowledge era" and it requires organizations to transform their intangible assets in value, competitiveness and market share, monitor and analyze the rapid changes in technology, market and competition; formulating development policies that generate sustainable growth and competitive advantage, stimulate continued development on the environment through learning. In this regard companies and managers find the only way to solve the issue and help the managers to find better ways of making decisions.

Organization itself must ask questions and generate answers as an interim solution. No business strategy is always worked for this. There is no doubt that the world of knowledge not only deserves but does not allow for improvisation. It is the management of the knowledge which gives a company the desired business and helps him to reach its final goals. Organizations oriented knowledge has the ability to succeed ...
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