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Knowledge Creation


The term postmodernism or postmodernity generally designates a large number of movements artistic, cultural, literary and philosophical of the twentieth century, defined to varying degrees and ways for overcoming opposition or trends of modern age. In sociology, however, the terms postmodern and post-modernization refer to cultural process observed in many countries over the past two decades, identified in the early '70s, is another meaning of the word is explained by the term post-materialism (Alvesson, 1996).

The different currents of postmodernism appeared during the second half of the twentieth century. Though it applies to many different streams, they all share the view that the modernist project failed to radical renewal of traditional forms of art and culture, thought and social life. One of the biggest problems in dealing with this issue is just to get to a concept or precise definition of what is postmodernism. The difficulty of this task involves several factors, among which the main drawbacks are present, and therefore the shortage and imprecision of data to analyze and the lack of a valid theoretical framework to extend it to all the facts are taking over this complex process called postmodernism (Alvesson, 1996). But the main obstacle comes from precisely the same process that you want to define, because that is precisely what is missing in this era: a system, a totality, an order, a Unity, coherence.

It is usually divided into three sectors postmodernity, depending on their area of ??influence. Historical, ideological and methodologically diverse, they share a family resemblance focused on the idea that radical renewal of the forms traditional in art, culture, thought and social life driven by the modernist project, failed to achieve the emancipation of humanity, and that such a project is impossible or unattainable under present conditions. Postpositivism is an entirely new paradigm, not reconcilable with the old, positivistic. Postmodernism means in the field of political philosophy, leaving the Enlightenment project of founding the first principles of the social order(Fournier, 2000).


Postmodern criticism is directed against the universalism abstract of the Enlightenment, and more specifically, against the universal conception of abstract human beinga associated with the principles of liberal democracy. Along with the formal requirements freedoms, guarantees and equal opportunity, find a particular conception of humans properties to be taken into account for purposes of political justification. This conception of the people assumed that the relevant features to justify Politicians claims are not the race, color, cultural identity, gender, and religion, etc.., but certain potentials, especially, the ability to govern itself to conduct and aspiration, that last embodiment falls outside the State jurisdiction (Iohnson, 2000).

In this sense, the basis for the protection of freedoms and opportunities lies in the tradition of democratic thought of the Enlightenment. As know, this abstract conception of the person was the subject of criticism in nineteenth century, and has recently returned to provoke a strong current critic called "Communitarianism". This is an entirely new system of ideas, based largely on assumptions not ...
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