Knowledge Creation

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Knowledge Creation

Knowledge Creation


With the globalization trend around the world, the international and national organizations have came to know that the success of the organizations is not only dependent on the organizations capital, their manufacturing skills and input suppliers that deliver them government relations, competitive advantage and their incre4ased interaction with their customers, even though such factors are very important because they are that have been continued to be significant for the organizations but the success of the organizations is also dependent on their skills and proficiency in particular fields related to the organizational knowledge creation. The concept of knowledge creation is the capability of organizations to come up with new knowledge, make it available for their employees and inculcate in their actions that can help them in leading to the development of new and modern products, services and production systems at their best. Therefore, an ability of any of the organization to originate, transfer and acquire knowledge and transform its behavior to imitate modern knowledge shared and learned can be identified as the form of learning organization (Becerra & Fernandez, 2001, pp. 23-55). Considering the concept of creation of knowledge there has been viewed a difference in the visualization of knowledge creation among Eastern and Western organizations even though the gap has become contracted with the passage of time.

The view considering the knowledge creation from Western perspective has emphasized more on the explicit knowledge whereas the Eastern view has emphasized more on the tacit knowledge. Explicit knowledge is short and can be enlightened with numbers, words, formulas, scientific processes and specifications etc. therefore, it has become much easier to pass it on or learn. Furthermore, the tacit knowledge is mostly originated from the institution, experiences of the individuals which they have gained through the period of several years a workers used to work for several hours to work for a long time in the offices that represent mental and schemas models and some of the perceptions which every person has, in the view of the fact that every individual holds the perception of future and reality. This transformation of knowledge brings considerable changing's and makes it quite complex to spread the knowledge and to transform into formal documents. In spite of these differences, most of the views in the East and West have the same opinion that knowledge is power and the knowledge power production of organization is based on services and intellectual abilities more as compare to their assets. It is also noteworthy that the value of the products and services they provide depends mainly on how to develop the intangibles that are based on knowledge and technological know-how, product design, how to introduce them to market, customer understanding, staff creativity and innovation (Boyd ,n.d., pp. n.d). This paper is based on the literature review on the knowledge creation.


Knowledge Creation

The creation of knowledge is generated through the interaction between tacit and explicit knowledge to tacit knowledge that is recapitulating personal knowledge, difficult to formalize and difficult to convey to others, ...
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