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Knowledge Creation

Knowledge Creation


Knowledge is the fact or condition of knowing something through our understanding that is gained through experience or interaction. Most often, knowledge is attained with varying levels of uncertainty. This is significant to our knowing and not knowing and its has an impact on our decisions and choice. A main area of study for researches within the management and organisational sciences is to produce knowledge about human actions and activities in the companies.


European and US journals in the field of organisational studies and questions regarding the difference in intellectual customs have been studied for some years. There have been studies regarding the different aspects of management, but the United States has always shown itself as the dominant force in this field. America has had military and economic dominance in the world and has tried to enforce the same in the field of management by emphasizing on its works on management and its theories.

In the 1940-60 periods there was no real work on organisational theory (Hinings & Greenwood, 2002, p.411). According to Hinings and Greenwood they ask what is the role of organisation theory in today's world. In the past decade or so, the ASQ (American Science Quarterly) has been a journal mostly for professionals based in business schools in North America. The United States researchers are practical theorists and have a strong association with business schools. In comparison of European researchers they are strongly linked with departments of sociology (Clegg, 2002, p.428). The American approach is more towards developing and testing casual theory, the theory is based on quantitative research and involves an analysis of a small number of factors measured from a large sample. The European approach is more towards qualitative side focusing on theory development. The US authors publish more in the US journals and they cite more US journal then European ones. For example during the period 1981-1986 in the ASQ, 96.7 % of the authors were from previous ASQ journals and the remainder was from OS (Organisational Studies) (Grey, 2010, p.679)

In OS articles have a strong stream of ideas from American authors; this is due to the American dominance in the management research field as most of the top management journals are published there. European management research is also influenced by the American standards. The dominance of the American journals and works has created a global position for them in the market. Researchers ...
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