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The Relationship between Knowledge Management System and Organizational Identity


An underlying and fundamental aim of the Knowledge Management (Knowledge Management) reform program is to transform the organizational identity of public organizations into a business-like identity. In this paper the construction of organizational identity as an effect of Knowledge Management initiatives is analyzed from a sensemaking perspective. The study draws on data from a two-and-a-half-year study of the introduction of Knowledge Management at the public health care authority in the region of Värmland in Sweden. It is concluded that Knowledge Management creates heterogeneous, conflicting and fluid organizational identities rather than the uniform and stable business identity it is supposed to.


Name: _________________Designation: __________________

Organisation: _________________ Place : __________________

Please put a tick mark in the appropriate box wherever required.

1.What is the current status of Knowledge Management in Organization?

a)Not in existence at all.[ ]b)Nascent stage[ ]

c)Introduction stage.[ ]d)Growth stage[ ]

Your Expert Comments: _________________________________________________________



Do organization recognise knowledge as a part of their asset base?

a)Yes [ ] b) No[ ]c)Can't say[ ]

Your Expert Comments: _________________________________________________________



What are the problems of organization?

a)Lack of Information [ ]

b) Information overload. [ ]

c)Reinventing the wheel. [ ]

Loss of crucial knowledge due to a key employee leaving the organisation. [ ]

Poor sharing of knowledge in the organisation. [ ]

If any other, please specify ___________________________________________

Your Expert Comments: _________________________________________________________



4.What do organization think of Knowledge Management (KM)?

a)Never heard of it. [ ]

Something they are already doing but not under the same name.[ ]

It is just a management fad. [ ]

It is strategic part of their business. [ ]

Something that could be beneficial for the organisation. [ ]

If any other, please specify __________________________________________

Your Expert Comments: _________________________________________________________



5.What do you think of stored knowledge in organization?

a)It's quite important, relevant and latest. [ ]

b)It's quite important, relevant but not updated regularly.[ ]

c)It's just trivial, a part of formalities and of no use. [ ]

Your Expert Comments: _________________________________________________________



6. How much time does it take for an employee to get the relevant knowledge in organization?

a)A few minutes [ ] c)A few days [ ]

b)A few hours [ ] d)Week or more [ ]

Your Expert Comments: _________________________________________________________



7.Which of the following best describes Organization w. r. t new knowledge creation?

It's the job of R&D department only. [ ]

They view it as everyone's job and everybody contributes to it. [ ]

Top management takes active interest in it and supports it continuously. [ ]

It's part of our organisational philosophy & culture. [ ]

If any other,please specify ___________________________________________

Your Expert Comments: _________________________________________________________



8 Which one of the following strategy organization use for KM?

a)KM as a business strategy. [ ]

Transfer of knowledge & best practices. [ ]

Customer focused knowledge. [ ]

Personal responsibility for knowledge. [ ]

Innovation and knowledge creation. [ ]

If any other, please specify ___________________________________________

Your Expert Comments: _________________________________________________________



9.What is the attitude of senior management w.r.t. KM in organization?

a)Sees it as very important and provides full support. [ ]

b)Sees it as very important but hardly supports ...
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