King Of The Pack

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King of the Pack

Executive Summary

This paper will be discussing the information system King of the Pack which is a renowned name in the tobacco market. An information system is an structured set of resources (data, hardware, procedures, personnel and software) for grouping, classifying, processing and dissemination of information on a given environment. Instead of the conventional means such as paper and the phone, Information systems are widely used.. The company we have chosen to be discussed here is King Of The Pack.

Executive Summary2



Information System Implementation at King of the Pack5

Various types of information system5

Information systems to be implemented6

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)6

Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM)7

Benefits and the opportunities of the systems7

Enterprise Resource Planning7

CRM Software8

Risks involved9

Enterprise Resource Planning9

CRM Software10

Security Measures10

Cloud Computing11

Benefits of the system11

Risks involved12



Information System at King of the Pack


The king of pack was started by Charlie Soud in 1995. It was formally identified as the king of tobbaco. By the end of the year it had opened eight stores which represented the rapid growth it gained. Mostly family, associates and friends were mojor members of king of tobbaco. The name of king of tobbaco was changed to king of the pack in July, 2005 (Catherine 2008). Charlie's personal attributes in dealing with third party suppliers and running succesful business were crucial to the growth of the group.


To deliver

Product knowledge

Full product range

Professional service

by being a professional specialist franchise group. Providing, through education, an greater than before seller approach and reliable store appearance that will profit the core focus of the business: tobacco (Joshi 2011). The 'King of the Pack' seeks the formulation of Franchisees of professional groups that are effortlessly identified inside the market place, that present reliability in look, product support and knowledge.

Information System Implementation at King of the Pack

An information system is an structured set of resources (data, hardware, procedures, personnel and software) for grouping, classifying, processing and dissemination of information in a known environment. The use of electronic, telecommunications and computer make it possible to mechanize and automate operations including business processes such as logistics (Keen 2006). Now widely used instead of usual resources, such as forms on paper and the phone and this change is the source of the idea of information system.

The company we have chosen to be discussed here is 'King of the Pack'. The 'King of the Pack' is an international distribution based primarily in the Australia. King of the Pack is amongst no. 1 Australian tobacco distribution group. Its activity revolves around three areas: distribution in the Australia, international distribution and financial services. Currently, the top management of King of the Pack is highly concerned regarding their information systems which are being implemented in the company's systems (Khosrow 2006). They have hired us as a consultant to check, monitor and implement some highly efficient information systems to improve decision making at all levels.

Various types of information system

Discovered in the fields of telecommunications and computing, the concept of information systems now applies to all business ...