King Lear

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Shakespeare's King Lear

Shakespeare's King Lear


Slavery was the socioeconomic system based on the maintenance and the exploitation of people in the condition of slaves. This term also refers, and originally the condition that all the legal name of the slave that is to say employed or used non-free and not paid is legally the property of another person and, therefore, negotiable purchase, sale, rental, etc. in the same way that an object or a pet (Machiavelli, 1981). Defined as an "animated tool" by Aristotle, the slave is different from the serf, the prisoner or convict (similar conditions in the operation) and the beast of burden by its own legal status, determined by the rules existing in a country at the time considered here. These rules determine in particular the conditions by which one becomes a slave or you cease to be, what limitations are necessary to master, what degree of freedom and legal protection for the slave remains, what humanity (what soul, in doctrinal terms) he recognizes, etc. The emancipation of a slave (by his master or the authority of the prince) made him a freedman, who has a status similar to that of the ordinary individual.

Thesis Statement

At times, it is better for the servants to disobey their masters, if they think that it would be in the better interest of their master.


Examine why either the Earl of Kent or Edgar in King Lear (not both) rejects Siro's point of view and decides that the best way to remain loyal is to disobey and engage in trickery.

Edgar of King Lear

Edgar in King Lear rejects the points presented by Siro because he was of the fact that his brother Edmund was cheating on his father and him, as he wanted to become the owner of the land and kingdom of the King Lear. Therefore, Edgar disobeyed the king, who was his true father, as he wanted to expose his brother Edmund. His father did not believe him. Therefore, in order to reveal the truth, Edgar disguises himself, in order to stay around his true father (Shakespeare, 1989). The subplot involves the Earl of Gloucester and his two sons, Edgar and Edmund. Edmund invents slanderous stories on genuine brother; Edgar, who forced into exile and pretend to be mad. The Earl of Gloucester tackled by the Duke of Cornwall, Regan's husband, but saved by some servants of the latter accusing the Duke ...
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