Kids, Technology, Teaching And Learning

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Kids, Technology, Teaching and Learning

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Kids, Technology, Teaching and Learning


In this report technology and learning will be examined. By keeping in a view, certain issue which usually comes between the official and classical view of learning. As this is the fact that technology is the name which refers to do the thing efficiently and effectively and most importantly it made the things easier, not only elder adopt and use the technology but it also demanded by the kids and they enjoy it. On the other hand teachers some time do not prefer to use the technology by kids, reason being, due to the use of technology kids may not be able to use their own skill, ability. Moreover, they have capacity for understanding and learning, by relying on technology they unable to use them.

As technology brings many challenges in every field of life, similarly the same challenges have to face the teachers or educators. Here the main challenge for the educator to make the activities in a manner which involves the children in the innovative way so that they would learn about thinking or think about learning.


In this research there are couples of books and journals have been studied, and some online websites also considered for gathering the information regarding the subject of this topic. Such as teaching with technology, concept of education, training, planning programs for adult learner, and most important one is kids + technology + teaching = learning, and some journal articles for learning techniques and adopting techniques with an appropriate manner for teaching.

The method which is suitable for this research work is qualitative. Since, it has been adopted because in this paper the effects, influence and role of the technology need to be disclosed. All the resources are very informative and giving the knowledge about the topic and describing the way by which we can easily understand the importance of technology and how to deal with this for learning of the kids and young people also. They also consisted of two journal articles such as the effect of teaching and learning, professional development in integration teaching into teaching and learning ways to pursue better questions and answers(Mushi, Hoskins & Bell, 2011,pp, 239-256).


Technological use would be served their best, under certain boundaries and limitation as it requires in all the walk of life not only in teaching and learning the things. If the technology is not using under the suitable or appropriate condition, then we would be able to expect something beneficial for anyone by anyways, additionally inappropriate use of technology would bring the teaching into the most critical condition even in the worst possible condition. Technology can be considered the most powerful approach when using it in an appropriate manner or in the constructive way such as developments of concepts, solving problems, instead of simple acquisitions urges for critically analyze and think for the facts.

Technology arrives into our schools and homes almost at the same ...
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