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Kellogg's in India

Kellogg's in India

Requirement 01

Plan for collection of primary and secondary data for Kellogg

For Kellogg it is important to make decision on data available and data collected from different sources. Secondary source of information are those which are already available and some others have done research to obtain the required information. Kellogg is producing products which belong to food industry and to collect secondary data, it is advisable to search for those Indian companies which belong to food industry. The main player of the Indian food industry are Amul, Dabur, Heritage food, Hindustan Unilever, Parle Agro, Mother Diary and Bonn groups of companies. The research conducted by these companies in food industry is the secondary source of information and it can provide good insight in food industry of India. Secondary source will also guide the Kellogg to search for rest of the relevant piece of information. The proper search for secondary data will also result in the saving of time and money. Primary source for the Kellogg is to conduct interview, distributing questionnaire and use of other scientific methods. To conduct primary data it is feasible to place questionnaire on the shops and those who is willing to respond positively should be given some complimentary gift in the form of Kellogg's products. This will on one hand increase the chances of response and on other hand this technique will also result in effective advertisement of the company. Internet is another important medium to conduct survey and questionnaire activity (Malhotra, 2008).

survey methodology and frame work

Secondary data can be easily available from the research conducted from other competitors of the food industry. The other source of secondary information is the governmental statistical agency. Information regarding the income pattern, purchasing power parity, employment and food consumption, all this information can easily be retrieved from governmental agency. The main aim of the survey methodology is to assess the current consumer of Kellogg product. The survey will also focus to understand the eating habits of respondents especially eating habits in breakfast. The data received from this survey activity will help company to market its products accordingly.

Questionnaire Development

Given below are few important questions taken from questionnaire.

Do you think that the products of Kellogg are competitive?

Strongly agree (3)



Strongly disagree(0)

Do you use Kellogg product regularly?

Strongly agree(3)



Strongly disagree(0)

Do you think that the products of Kellogg are satisfactorily?

strongly agree(3)



strongly disagree(0)

Do you think that it is important for health to have proper breakfast?

strongly agree(3)



strongly disagree(0)

Do you think that the price of Kellogg products is reasonably charged?

Strongly agree(3)



Strongly disagree(0)

The questionnaire raises all those important issues that have significant impact on the revenue of Kellogg. It has covered the loyalty of customers, their satisfaction level, the quality of Kellogg's products and the price of the products. India is a developing economy and the poverty rate is still high. Therefore majority of the population place price of the product in its buying decision.

Requirement 02

2.1 Information for Decision Making

The decision making taken on the basis on information collected by the means of secondary ...
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