Keepcup Business Viability

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KeepCup Business Viability

Executive Summary1


SWOT Analysis3





Pestle Analysis6

Political Environment6

Government Policies6

Government term and Change6

Trading Policies6



Economic Environment7

Currency Exchange Rate7

Economic Trends7


Socio-cultural Environment8


Technological Environment9

Technological Infrastructure9

Communication Networks9


Legal Environment10

Business Law10

Labour Law10




Executive Summary

The basic objective of KeepCup is to contribute towards the effectiveness of green economy and making the environmental friendly cups common all over the world. In addition to this, the sustainability of KeepCup is also discussed in relevance to the target market of Germany where it aims to introduce its products effectively. An analysis of the organization is also presented in this paper involving the SWOT analysis and PESTLE analysis of KeepCup. The market sustainability of KeepCup is significantly determined in the descriptive discussion in this paper. The main objective of KeepCup is to create a global brand and to be one of the most significant brands that initiated the demise of being disposable. It is also discussed that there are a number of significant opportunities that are available to the organization in Germany, but there are also a number of threats that could be tackled with the help of the eco-technologies of the organization. The core focus of this paper is to discuss and analyze the extent of sustainability of KeepCup in the industry in Germany in which it aims to operate.


KeepCup is an organization based in Australia that designs and manufactures environment friendly cups for being used by people. The mission of this organization is to encourage the use of reusable cups and this is done by the organization by delivering sustainably procured and executed innovative products to the market for providing the best experience and satisfaction to the customers. The products of this organization are offered in the foundation of a positive global campaign that is aimed to make a difference in the thinking of the people about culture convenience. A strategy is implemented by involving and engaging people in three ways which include people who care about the environment, people who love coffee, and people who appreciate good design (Helms, Nixon 2010). It is the core objective of KeepCup to create a global brand and to be one of the most significant brands that initiated the demise of being disposable. In addition to this, it is also aimed by the organization to motivate cafes to increase the reuse rates to 40 percent reusables in the environment. It is very important to understand by the organization that keeping the brand in hand is the most effective way to drive and encourage the reuse behavior. This is a brief introduction of objectives of KeepCup, which will be further complimented by the analysis of the various marketing aspects of the organization (Country analysis report 2012).

SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis is referred to a tool that identifies the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of an organization. The following is a brief SWOT analysis of KeepCup that is aimed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the organization along with the opportunities and threat available to the organization in the target market (Pahl, Richter ...