Kant Theory Analysis

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Kant Theory Analysis


Kant's theory of moral sensibility revolves around respect for morality. He describes this respect as an important determinant of self motivation in pure practical reasoning by human agents. Therefore, in this context, respect for morality can be viewed as recognition of the authority associated with moral law and also as an independent human moral feeling.

In Kant's theory of happiness in relation to hedonism and heteronomy, he argues that non moral motivation was unacceptable and termed them as crude hedonistic. However, those opposed to Kant's principle of happiness in relation to hedonism and hedonistic non moral decisions and actions, have argued that his perception of non moral decisions and actions undermine his theory of morality as they convey a misjudged opinion and mistaken conception of non moral decisions and motivation. In his theory of happiness, Kant explains his view that the expected satisfaction and the strength of the desire are taken as sufficient reason for human's non moral decisions and actions.



According to the Immanuel Kants the basis of moral requirement is the standards of rationality. He called these requirements Categorical Imperatives (CI). He argued that immorality is happened due to the violation of Categorical Imperatives and thus such violation is irrational. Other famous philosopher like Hobbes and Locke are also of the same view. The standard of morality that is rationality is either desire based or it is based on rational institution that is sui generis. His predecessors believed that analysis and evaluation will only reveal the requirement that must be confirmed by the rational agents to instrumental principles and Kants agreed with this argument. But he argued that conformity to Categorical Imperative, which is a non instrumental principle and hence conformity to the moral requirements (Plato.stanford.edu, 2004). His idea is based on the his famous doctrine that rationality must be considered as an autonomous and independent, in such a way that it is regarded as the author of the law that holds it. So in simple words, morality is nothing but the law of free and independent will. Conception of rationale and reason is the heart of the Kants ethical theories, which set the man free from all irrational passions and wild desires. So this is the self-governing reason which is in every person and Kant offered a ground for screening other person as possessing equal worth and so he must deserve respect (Uleman, 2010).

Why Argument is Correct?

Kant's idea that an action should be morally right if it were to be acceptable as a universal law does bring about a good point, for if it is not right to commit the action it should not be right n any other situation as well, leaving out all room for confusion stemming from consequences. Bentham on the other hand brings about the idea of the immediate consequences of an action, and states that the action is morally acceptable when the consequences produced are more pleasurable than painful. He also states that the action should produce the same consequences if done ...
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