Juvenile justice system is a network of agencies and organizations, working together with the juvenile offenders, to perform certain activities which are based on the statutes and procedural rules governing the treatment of minors inside the state. These agencies and organizations include the police, courts, prosecutors, and prosecutors, prisons, probation service and the Department of Corrections for minors. In some states the profile of juvenile institutions are represented only by judicial authorities in other states than the courts of various organizations, which are involved in children's issues and social protection of minors (Klein, 1976).
Juvenile detention facilities are temporary and secure facilities, where the juveniles are held before there hearing in the court, the major aim of these juvenile detentions are the help, and restrict the juveniles from performing certain illegal activities in the future. The system of Juvenile detention was rooted early in the sixteenth century, by the European educational reform, the system was created to deal with the Juveniles that have committed certain crimes, another major aim behind the creation of such detention facilities was to separate the children's from adult prisoners.
In addition to the juvenile justice juvenile justice includes prophylaxis:
Juvenile crime
Crimes against children
Social and psychological rehabilitation of juveniles as offenders (including those convicted and serving time in prison), and juvenile crime victims
The idea of juvenile justice in various forms is implemented in a large number of states. In some states the juvenile justice system is part of the juvenile system bodies and public organizations involved in family and children's rights in the broadest sense. In some cases, the primacy of the child leads to state their opposition to the interests of the family, causing considerable controversy in the community and a mixed assessment of juvenile justice as a whole (McCord et.al, 2001).
When a juvenile is accused of committing a criminal offense or an offense is a condition (status offense), the official responsible for receiving the juveniles in the juvenile court decides how to proceed through the stages of the criminal justice system. He evaluates many factors, including:
The degree of likelihood that the young person has committed the act
The seriousness of the offense or the level of violence of the act
The possibility that the child has had any prior contact with the juvenile justice system to justify a severe measure, such as probation or supervision apply in a juvenile court
The need of the child is temporarily detained in a juvenile justice center
The potential benefits of appearing before a special court
The extrajudicial measures or the use of alternative programs as the appropriate response to the case, in case a child was seen destroying the property of one person, the court should require the child to compensate the victim for damages and also attend sessions. If the complainant is not a parent, when the child is taken to interrogation, it is necessary to contact the parent who has custody of the child or the guardian. During the first 24 hours in custody, the child ...