Juvenile Justice Correctional Facilities

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Juvenile Justice Correctional Facilities

Juvenile Justice Correctional Facilities


The juvenile justice system follows along the same lines and guidelines of adult court with a few exceptions to the rules and regulations. There are some changes that need to be made in order for the juvenile justice system to run better (Jacqueline , 2005). We need to be more adverse in the decisions that are made for our youth of today and their futures tomorrow. What changes need to be made in order for a better adverse system to exist? How are we supposed to make sure that the changes that are made are going to be sufficient enough for everyone to follow? These are just a few questions that need to be answered. These are just a few changes that need to be made in order for the juvenile justice system to work accordingly. This proposal highlights the key preventive fqcilities that were being conducted and introduce various correction facilities.

Program that can resolve Issues

Community Involvement

There are many programs that have been successful in helping juveniles stay out of trouble these include: Boys and Girls Club, after school programs, family support centers, and Mentoring programs. Every city and state needs to have all of these programs to better ensure that these juveniles are getting the help they need, instead of them being thrown in a correctional facility and committing worse crimes as an adult than they need as a juvenile (Barry , 2013).

Law Enforcement

For most juveniles, the doorway to the juvenile justice system starts with law enforcement. Many juvenile's are known by officers because of the trouble they cause or that they are involved in. Law enforcement needs to be more involved in juvenile crime by patrolling streets and making sure that juveniles are not out past curfew. A lot of parents work so they are not aware of what their child does, so if law enforcement could take the extra step in ensuring that parents are aware of their child being out, then that parent can make sure that they know where their child is at all times (Hall , 2005).


The courts for the juvenile system need some changes. They need to be more efficient and they need to provide more guidance and follow through on punishments handed down to juveniles. In order for the courts to be more sufficient, organized, and regulated according to the constitution, they need to be more ...
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