Juvenile Delinquency Treatment Program

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Juvenile Delinquency Treatment Program

Juvenile Delinquency Treatment Program


In the present-age, one of the most serious concerns for the societies and law-makers is the juvenile delinquency. The delinquent and criminal behaviour among the youth has increased drastically due to several reasons which need to be identified. The causes of delinquent behaviour need to be understood clearly in order to develop and implement an effective juvenile delinquency treatment program. The individual characteristics, pressure of society, economic, political, cultural and socials forcers in the environment, media, drug abuse, urbanization, poverty, family, exclusion, peer pressure are all the foundations of growing juvenile delinquency.

The major causes of juvenile delinquency are explained by the differential association theory, labelling theory, cultural transmission theory, social disorganization and strain theory. There are several theories that help in understanding the causes of juvenile delinquency and how it can be treated effectively. These theories are mainly the psycho-analytical theory, behavioural theory, cognitive theory and social theory. The juvenile delinquency treatment program needs to work towards well-being of the juveniles. The most effective juvenile delinquency treatment program is the comprehensive one where combinations of approaches are used to prevent and minimize the delinquent behaviour. These theories are mainly cognitive-behaviour theory, social skills learning behaviour theory, social control theory, and psycho-analytical theory. The effective juvenile delinquency treatment program needs to keep in mind al the individual and collective factors that force an individual to adopt a delinquent path.

Analyzing the Formation of Delinquent Path

The formation of delinquent path needs to be highlighted and analyzed before developing an effective treatment program. There are several major causes that can lead towards juvenile delinquency. The juvenile offences are carried out either by the forces in the environment or the individual characteristics of the juvenile. The most important cause of juvenile delinquency are the social, cultural and economic conditions. Moreover, other factors are the media, urbanization, exclusion and peer influence which ultimately leads towards failure to adapt to society and commit offences (Frey, 1999).

Social Disorganisation

Social disorganization theory explains that delinquent behaviour erupts when the family, the basic social unity of an individual tends to be disorganized with no unity and sense of harmony. The social environment in which the child grows up leads towards delinquent behaviour in youth. The major causes of this are poverty, emotional traumas, broken relationships, single-parents and family abuse (Frey, 1999).

Strain Theory: Merton's Framework

According to the Strain theory, the path toward juvenile delinquency results due to the inequalities and poverty. The economic problems and tough circumstances leads towards strain in life and family and converts children into juveniles. Merton explained that there are five adaptations where the element of delinquent behaviour can emerge in the four adaptations. Innovation, retreatism, ritualism and rebellion are the four adaptations where unacceptable behaviour patterns are predicted. On the other hand, the conformity adaptation is the only acceptable behaviour stage where both means and goals are achieved under the norms of the society

Cultural Transmission Theory

The cultural transmission approach helps us in ...
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