Juvenile Delinquency

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Juvenile Delinquency


In this study we try to explore the concept of juvenile delinquency in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on juvenile delinquency and its relation with the peer relations. The research also analyzes many aspects of the judicial measures constructed to regulate the juvenile crimes. Finally the research describes various factors influencing the juvenile delinquency and the future of juvenile courts in this regard.

Table of Contents


Peer Relations and Juvenile Delinquency4

Factors Influencing Juvenile Delinquency6

The Future of Juvenile Courts7



Juvenile Delinquency


The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore juvenile peer relations and delinquency. According to diverse sources, juvenile delinquency refers to the crimes carried out by young people or minors. A criminal is one who relapses and commits crimes repeatedly. Most legal systems consider specific procedures for dealing with this problem, such as juvenile detention centers. There are many different theories about the causes of crime, most if not all of which can be applied to the causes of juvenile crimes.

Juvenile crime often receives great attention from the media and politicians. This is because the level and types of juvenile crimes can be used by analysts and the media as an indicator of the general state of morality and public order in a country and as a result can be a source of alarm and moral panic. Like most types of offenses, crimes committed by juveniles have increased since the mid-twentieth century. There are many theories about the causes of juvenile crimes, regarded as particularly important within criminology. This is because the number of crimes increases dramatically between fifteen and twenty years. Second, any theory about the causes of crime, juvenile crimes should be considered as adult criminals are likely to have had a beginning in crime when they were young.

Peer Relations and Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile Delinquency in an important milestone occurred in 1974 on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act was passed. This behavior is the most widely used in the juvenile justice was established from the changes in juvenile court. First, it provides for the legalization of status offenders, so that they are not considered criminals. Second, it provides non-institutionalized juvenile correctional, so that only the most serious juvenile crimes will be eligible for confinement (Yamagata and Butts, 1996). In addition, the law that status offenders should not be institutionalized, and in adult prisons and juvenile prisons, through visual and sound from adults. Fourth, continue to minors the constitutional rights of due process the application (Eadie, Morley, 2003).

Normal and Juvenile Court are different, primarily the result of the case. If the prosecution proves that the minor actually committed the crime, the court does not appoint him to a statutory penalty. Instead, the court decides the case, which aims to provide fix juvenile offenders and take action to address the factors and circumstances that led to commit an offense. This could mean that for a serious crime such as murder, the juvenile criminal court appoints a much less severe penalty than would be assigned an ...
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