Juvenile Delinquency

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Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile Delinquency


The crime is known as the phenomenon of crime or acts committed outside the laws imposed by society, but little about the real reasons why a young person can enter this world. Several causes may be organic, physiological, pathological, external influences such as the environment in which they develop the early years of his life, lack of affection and attention from parents or just misdirection and abuse.

The word Juvenile delinquent is defined as a young person who habitually breaks the law, especially somebody repeatedly charged with vandalism or anti social behavior (Smith and Thornberry, 2005). Thus, this offence committed by an adult and punishable which when committed by children under the age of 18 are denoted as Juvenile crimes. In US, the Juveniles are kept in special homes and are not punishable like adults. The reason, behind not treating them as criminals, is because we follow reformative theory. When a child is kept in special homes, all the basic needs are fulfilled.


Juvenile delinquency has increased dramatically in recent years, becoming an issue of growing social most concern, both for its quantitative increase, for their progressive qualitative hazard. Juvenile delinquency is also a feature of societies that have reached a certain level of prosperity and, according to authoritative reviews, more common in Anglo-Saxon and Nordic countries in the Mediterranean and euro in developing nations. That is, in less developed societies the incidence of juvenile delinquency in the whole world of crime is lower than in more advanced communities in the economic sphere (Cusick and Hess, 2010). In Latin American cities, juvenile delinquency is linked to obtaining-criminal-consumption of luxury goods and usually do not practice violence for violence's sake, but as a means of obtaining material goals.

Criminological research on juvenile delinquency point to the multi-causal phenomenon, but despite this, one can point to some factors that seem crucial in increasing juvenile crime since the Second World War. Thus, factors that are at the root of juvenile delinquency inability of large segments of the youth to join the system and the values it promotes as the only and true and generates its own subculture that spreads crime gang, so each new adept tries to emulate, and if possible exceed, the violent actions carried out by former members of the group .

The influence of the environment in the development of juvenile delinquency is also very important, children placed in a very poor or who live in difficult conditions are strongly tempted to decipher its existence by theft or by searching for dubious consolations.

Juvenile gangs

In our society, young people, mostly try to seek to identify with the lifestyle they feel they are really taken into account. That's why more and more young people seek a solution in the gang. This is one of the social problems afflicting more to society where they operate a group of teenagers who face common problems and share the same interests (Barbara, 1997).

In this problem, the main causes that bring about the gangs are family and ...
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