Juvenile Delinquency

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Maladaptive Behavior in Juvenile Delinquency

Maladaptive Behavior in Juvenile Delinquency


Undoubtedly, juvenile delinquency is very representative since the last century, Juvenile delinquency is one of the criminological problems is growing every day, not only in our country but also worldwide, is one of the socially negative actions that will be fixed by law and morality created and accepted by society. Juvenile delinquency is a social phenomenon that endangers the public safety of society, and it goes against the morals established by the society. Juvenile delinquency is a global phenomenon, as it extends from the far corners of the industrial city to the suburbs of large cities, from rich families or wealthy to the poorest, is a problem that occurs in all social strata and every corner of our civilization (Barbaree, 2008).

Juvenile crime has increased dramatically in recent times, becoming an issue of growing social most concern, both for its quantitative increase, for their progressive qualitative hazard. Juvenile crime is also a feature of societies that have reached a certain level of prosperity and as authoritative reviews, more common in Anglo-Saxon and Nordic countries in the Euro Mediterranean and the developing nations. That is, in less developed societies the incidence of juvenile crime throughout the criminal world is less than in more modern communities economically. In large American cities, juvenile delinquency is linked to obtaining-criminal-luxury consumer goods and usually do not practice violence for violence's sake, but as a means to get their material goals (Fagan, 2001). Criminological researches on Juvenile delinquency show the multi-causal phenomenon, but, it can point to some factors seem decisive in the increase in juvenile crime since the Second World War. Thus, factors that are the basis of juvenile delinquency inability of large segments of the youth to join the system and the values it promotes like the only and true (in material and social, for example) and generates its own subculture of crime that is passed from gang, so each new adept tries to emulate, and if possible overcome the murderous actions carried out by former members of the group.

Juvenile Delinquency

Crime, strong set of violations committed against the social impact public policy. This definition distinguishes between crime (whose study, based on a given definition of legality, consider the frequency and nature of crimes committed) and criminology (which considers the personality, motivations and capabilities of reintegration of the offender).

Maladaptive Behavior

A maladaptive behavior is one that does not comply with the Norms we mean by normal, not only has effects on the social environment that disapproves of it has a "unsettling" for the individual who lives it. Sometimes changes in a person's life begins to produce this behavior in a nonadaptive (alcoholism), this change in behavior begins to be considered "weird" by society, which has a reputation for sick and isolate them as if and did not have much basis also thinking "which is a disease of which they are free (Walklate, 2003). Modification of behavior as that theoretical and methodological orientation, led to the ...
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