Juvenile Correction Facilities

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Juvenile Correction Facilities

Juvenile Correction Facilities


Juvenile age is the most significant age in which the young people can take illegal action under any circumstances. The given video defines the juvenile crime history of Arizona city, that how the youngsters can commit any illegal activity under any force or mental disturbance. In Arizona, they have juvenile correction facilities where the young people's eradicate all their bad deeds and promised to him or her not commit any illegal mistakes again.



It was a disturbing situation for my friend when he saw his father and mother always fighting in front of him and always creates an issue on everything. This scenario makes him cuddled and unable to balance him life. This condition always torturing him mental situation and father mostly commits physical assaults. For reducing their frustration level both abused me physically and mentally. His mind is totally shattered from this situation which he faced on a daily basis. They always let him down in front of the others, which reduced his confidence level and unable to face the situation. Through all these mentally and physically assault, he committed suicides multiple times. The parents had ruined his life, and he want to die and not live in this cruel and brutal surroundings. He really needs mentally rest which make him less frustrated and far away from brutal deeds. From all the above circumstances, he has committed murder to his neighborhood friend on personal offenses. The court sentenced him 2 years imprisonment and transmits to juvenile correction facilities department where he can life his 2 years with peacefully.

Juvenile Correction Department

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