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What Areas of British Culture Influence Juvenile Delinquency

What Areas of British Culture Influence Juvenile Delinquency


Undoubtedly, the modern world and society is deemed as the most facilitative era, with respects to the endowments that it has bestowed on the mankind. However, the possibility of the phenomenon that every development or process endures a downside as well cannot be rule out. Hence, it will not be inaccurate to eloquently articulate that similar is the case with the modern day development, which has undoubtedly paved way for the extremely different choice of the lifestyle by the youngsters and adolescents.

Juvenile Delinquency

Primarily, the term Juvenile refers to a young individual, who still has to advance to the brink of maturity and adulthood. Such is a very delicate stage for any person, while he is growing up. There lie solid grounds for this stage to be extremely delicate; mainly because, at this stage of life, a person is still growing up and being exposed to the actual realities of the life.

The mind of a child, at this phase is extremely naïve and is not yet equipped to analyse, comprehend and assimilate matters, on its own; therefore, its vulnerability grants him the probabilities of taking things on their face values, and allows the respective approaches assumed by the inhabitants of the society, to be inculcated. Hence, bearing in mind the naivety and the vulnerability of a juvenile mind, numerous individuals fall prey to the curse of certain criminal activities and delinquency, based on varying factors rendered by this world and his surroundings.

Contemporary Young British Culture

It will not be inaccurate to revere that the British society is the epitome of transition. Since the primitive classic age to the medieval and modern era, this society has witnessed and undergone numerous dire changes and moderations, and so has the culture of this society. From the ideal family system, the society has now broken every member of the family in to certain designated roles. Mothers are no longer subjected to be responsible for the upbringing of their children only; in the current era they are playing an equal pivotal role in taking the country forward on to the course of progress and development. Numerous boundaries, with respect to relations have clearly altered, now there lays no objection in the pre marriage relationship, even between the young cultures.

Most importantly, what now constitute as the integral part of the modern British culture are the variety and the presence of moderation and modification of numerous facets of the society, and its specs. According to numerous scholars and researchers, two aspects have been pivotal in moulding the culture of this region in to a modern culture, which are, the globalisation and the technologically advanced media. Globalisation has enabled, individuals from numerous parts of the country to seek the route of England, in search of job and better lifestyle, and media is believed to be the most influential gadgets of the modern times, which possesses the ability to mould the perceptions and attitudes of ...
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