Justification Report

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Justification Report


XX June 2013



Dear XYZ

Justification Report

I have pleasure in submitting the justification report as a part of my academic learning experience.

The report has been prepared to analyze the effect of Honda Civic ACE body structure on the buying pattern of consumers.

Yours sincerely



Problem Statement5

Methods Used6

Findings & Analysis7




Executive Summary

The justification report aims at understanding how ACE body structure of Honda Civic is impacting the purchasing behavior of consumers and how consumer feel Honda Civic as best pick due to ACE body structure. It highlights the method of data collection that was used to identify the problem statement of the report. Moreover, the report highlights the finding and analysis from survey and questionnaire that were used in primary data collection.

Justification Report


The ACE body structure is exclusive body design by Honda that enhances the protection of occupant and compatibility of crash in case of collisions from front. The ACE design resides on a network of interconnected structural elements to distribute the crash energy evenly throughout the front of the car. The ACE body structural design helps in reducing the forces during the crash to transfer to the passenger compartment. ACE design helps to evenly disperse the forces transferred to other vehicles during a crash. The engineers at Honda took initiative to provide unique and safe body design to minimize the effects of mismatch in collision. Honda has enhanced the protection of occupant in Honda Civic and also increased their compatibility with other vehicles in case of a collision impact from front (Honda, 2013).

Conventional and latest ACE body Structure of Honda Civic

This report will focus on analyzing how ACE (Advanced Compatibility Engineering) body structure technology of Honda Civic is effecting the purchasing decisions of consumers. Honda is committed to providing safety for everyone that means provision of protection from crash not only for drivers and passengers but also to other vehicles occupants and mitigation of injury for pedestrians. Honda Civic has many safety features that are responsible for making consumers loyal with the purchase of Honda Civic. With the addition of latest safety feature of Advanced Compatibility Engineering body structure, it has affected the purchaser of cars in a great way. This report will justify the ACE body structure being a vital feature that makes Honda Civic best pick for consumers.

Problem Statement

While consumers make their decision regarding the purchase of car, they consider valuing many factors. These factors or features include considering about the exterior, interior, performance, safety, environment, eco assist and value.

The problem statement for report is to identify, “how ACE body structure design of Honda Civic makes is best for consumers to pick.”

Methods Used

In order to identify whether the ACE body structure design of Honda Civic makes it best choice for consumer to pick, primary method of data collection was used. Primary data collection is the most commonly used form of social research conducted with the help of surveys and questionnaires. The method used to collect data for report includes collection of data from original ...
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