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Many years ago, people used to complain about the injustice in the society. The rate of injustice has decreased in the last century, but injustice still prevails in our society. This is the reason why difficulties have been created for countries to respect the individual's and offender's rights. Individuals are not given equal opportunities and rights. The security and justice system has evolved in the last couple of years which has changed a lot of things in the security and justice. This paper discusses the civil disobedience. Civil Disobedience espouses the need to prioritize one's conscience over the dictates of laws. The key to more justice is to provide the individual with what the needs, rather than focusing on the needs of the community.


Justice is a philosophical principle, legal and moral meaning that fundamental human actions must be punished or rewarded according to merit under the law, the moral and other sources of prescriptive behavior. Although justice is a common principle, the right appears to vary according to cultural factors. Justice is often considered an ideal fundamental to social life and civilization. As an institution, not tied to the concept, it is considered essential for law enforcement authority in place, legitimate or not. Civil disobedience is the refusal to submit to a law, regulation, organization or authority deemed unfair by those who disagree. The term was created by the American Henry David Thoreau in his essay Resistance to Civil Government, published in 1849, following its refusal to pay a tax to finance the war against Mexico (Thoreau, 173). According to Thoreau, the government proves its usefulness rarely as it obliges its power from the majority. The government believes that the majority is the strongest group in society. It is commonly believed that the majority is right, and they are the ones that hold the viewpoint that is the most legitimate. The government makes the laws and rights as per the needs of the entire community. The government grants citizens rights in the constitution. The rights are listed in the bill of rights. The bill of rights grants citizens different rights listed in separate amendment. That is fourth, fifth and sixth amendment. Also, they are listed in seventh and eighth amendment of the constitution (Thoreau, 173). Examples of rights granted in the constitution include right to life, security and liberty. Other rights include freedom of speech, worship and religion.

According to Thoreau, ...
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