Just City

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Plan for a Just City

Plan for a Just City


As the world is increasing and advancing, the inequality and injustice is also increasing. This increase in unfairness raises the question of equality on the political grounds and in the human society. However, the agenda is shaped in a way that the fear of humans is increasing rapidly because of the justice not practiced effectively. The human society is becoming unequal and unjust so a just city is required so that the minor and poor can get equal rights. In this paper, we will investigate the association among the moral rights, justice reconsideration, planning, justice in human society, and the just link among the nature and humanity.

The concept of justice and equality that have persuaded the most topical debates in the planning phase have emphasized on several concerns like of procedures (Collin, 2007). However, the questions of the good and the values are considered as challenging and difficult known as the world of difference and plurality. This paper discusses that the questions of justice are unavoidable element of the planning activity for a just city. Therefore, the purpose of the paper is to recognize the major aspects of a reconceptualised idea of the justice for its planning.


In the planning of the just city, two areas of hesitation are identified that resulted from the debates on the human cities and its impact with justice. The first debate is on the justice that is present within the city and its atmosphere. This kind of justice is required for the allocation of quality and equality in the environment that is within the human populations. The second one is the justice to the city and its environment. This type of justice is required for the treatment and dealings by the humans that have the nature which is nonhuman.

Therefore, in the planning of the just city the activities of humans, their procedures, processes, and structures should also be considered (Sorabji, 2008). Without doubt, humanity is the part of nature however the nature is unaware of the ethics and justice. Therefore, it is the practices of the humans that have to face the ethical and justice related issues. So to cover all these, the planning process will be discussed with considering the human justice in abrader perspective.


The meaning of the word planning is the creation of ideas and thoughts designed by planner. Nowadays, planning is normally characterized by discretion. In spite from some exceptions, particularly new urbanism advocates, academic commentators and planners argue that creative thinkers not enforce their ideas and views on general public. The planner should consider the requirements of urban cities in planning. Furthermore, people do not impose their ideas on the planner because it can damage the creativeness of planner. In a just city the class biasness should not be followed.

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