Jury's Inn Hotel name Of Institution name Of Writer

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Jury's Inn Hotel

Jury's Inn Hotel


Tourism operation is an essential aspect for organizations that are present in countries where tourism industry is at its peak and where he country has to take steps to make sure that proper solutions are sought for increasing and maintaining the tourism in the country. Organizations can gain from the tourism aspect of the country and it is important that proper steps are taken for ensuring the positive impact. Hotels are the ones that play a major role in helping the people in staying in the country when they have reached there to visit the country. With this, it has been seen that the organizational structure is known and people help their organizations in earning more and more.


Working in an organization is completely different from studying in universities. It is essential that the students get practical exposure and that they are able to learn more. While working at Jury's there were a number of experiences that I learnt and that I came to know about. It is possible for the people to realize the importance of the tourism organization and industry in the country so that they work in the most appropriate manner and help the people in earning more. This will help the people in knowing as to how the business and profits of the company should be secured and how this will help them in understanding how they can earn more.

This paper will discuss the issues of the hotel, Jury's Inn and the work experience that I gained while working at the hotel.

Work Experience

My job has provided me a number of opportunities to learn and develop myself. It is important for me to ensure that I enhance the skills that I possess so that I can work in a much more efficient manner. I learned how to work in a professional environment and what is expected of me at this role.

In addition to this, I learned the report making skills. I was responsible for creating calculating the amount that was not reimbursed related to the medical expenses. I also had to maintain a record of the departmental activities and make sure that the required appointments are scheduled in an effective manner. This helped me in learning skills that are related to working in a professional setting. These skills include the communication skills, the interpersonal skills and the critical thinking skills. All these assisted me in performing my activities in an efficient manner and also helped me in completing the tasks on time.

There were other aspects, as well that I gained during my job. These include the technical skills required for working on particular software. The programs used for the entry of the information and maintenance of the same also helped me in gaining more knowledge and in helping that the important and essential information is maintained in the system within the organization. There was a lot of general knowledge that I gained during my job. This helped me in providing the ...