Junk Food

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Fast Food



Risks of Fast Food4

Lack of energy7

Poor concentration7

Heart diseases8

Diabetes and blood sugar9


Hazards of junk food11

Hazard Analyses and Risks Assessment12

Recipe review12

Process/preparation review13

Holistic approaches13



Fast Food


Junk food is a type of food which does not contain any calories. An empty calorie food is one which is deficient in micronutrients like minerals, vitamins, fibers or amino acids and it is very high in calories. These foods have very low nutritional value because they do not have any nutrients which are needed for the body to remain healthy and they are called as junk food. Junk food is a casual word used for the foods who do not have any nutritional value and whose ingredients are also unhealthy when they are being eaten regularly (Cohen et al. 2010, pp.38). The word Junk food was first used by Michael Jacobson in the year 1972 who is the director of centre for sciences (Brendan, 2006, pp.61). The food is called as junk because it contains higher quantities of white flour, polyunsaturated and trans fat, refined sugar, salt and several food additives like tartrazine and monosodium glutamate. This type of food do not contains any vitamins, proteins, fibres and low quantities of enzyme that produce minerals and vitamins and they contain increased quantities of high calories. On the other hand, junk food is not difficult to be carried, consumed and to purchase. Junk food looks very attractive from appearance because many additives and colors are added to it to increase the texture, flavor and shelf life of food.

Now a days, more than 90% of the chronic diseases occur due to toxic food ingridients, choice of food, lack of physical excerscise and nutritional deficiencies. The children are the main market for junk food and they are the sufferers who experience several health problems like heart problems, obesity and juvenile diabetes (Janardan, 2012, pp.1).


Risks of Fast Food

Fast food is quickly adopted as the preferred choice because the life functions at a high speed in the society. All the junk food industries are working because they offer a cheap, quick, tasty and convenient meal to the customers. These types of food are a potential health risk because they increase the obesity and chronic diseases. Obesity increases the risks for cholesterol which eventually leads to cardiovascular diseases. The fast food restaurant provides a meal which is full of fats and sodium. The foods which are higher in fats contain less fiber because they do not contain complex carbohydrates. The complex carbohydrates contain high fiber which helps in improving the digestive system of the body and maintaining the levels of cholesterol due to which the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancers is reduced (Solomons & gross, 1995, pp.90).

According to the studies, the fiber rich food can be helpful in decreasing the childhood obesity but the junk food is found to be more delicious and caloric (Holmboe, 2000, pp.78). The demand and consumption of junk food is also increased due to this ...
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