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Jews believe that there is only One God, therefore Judaism is monotheistic faith. God is beyond our capability to comprehend, but He is present everywhere. Every individual has his own way to connect to God. They may make prayer, visit temples, feel the divine in the natural world and show their respect to the most powerful God. Every individual Jews choose their own manifestation of the divine. Each individual's relationship with God is unique and personal. Majority of Jews are in Israel. The beliefs and practices of Judaism originated from the ancient Israelites. Judaism is claimed to be one of oldest religions in the world still practiced. Today, millions of Jews practice Judaism living in most inhabited continent all over the world.



The main believe of Judaism is that there is only one God. God created this universe beautifying with all the natural land, water and sky. He cares for humanity and wants people to live ethical and moral lives. This concept is referred as ethical monotheism (Pelaia, n.d). This concept is followed by Islam and Christianity too, with some modifications.

This monotheistic concept has its basis in Bible that is Abraham dedicating himself and the followers of his to God. Later, the grandson of Abraham, Jacob fights with the angel, metaphorically which symbolizes the struggle of mortal beings to comprehend the idea of infinite and eternal God. “Israel” is the name given to Jacob- “he who wrestles with God”. Jacob has been promised descendants. These will be the children of Israel. Land of Israel was also promised to Jacob.


Hebrew Bible, originally written in Hebrew language is the Jewish Bible. It helps in learning about the ways people can lead a righteous life. It contains Jewish laws such as the Ten Commandments. Hebrew Bible has three section: Torah, Prophets and the writings (ICS, p.12). One of the holiest texts of Judaism is Torah, also known as Five Books of Moses. These Five books are Leviticus, Genesis, Deuteronomy, Numbers and Exodus. They are collectively called Pentateuch.

Torahs in Hebrew means instruction, teaching or special Law. In broader perspective it is referred to every part regarding the teachings of Judaism throughout history. Its translation has existed crossing 2000 years.

The Ten Commandments

The commandment states that there is one God. He, who is the Lord. No other God should be recognized as gods in His presence. Shabbat should be remembered as a holy day. Parents are to be honored. Murders and Adultery are to be restrained from. Stealing is not to be committed. Neighbors should be respected and no false testimony is to be given against them. No possessions of your fellow are to be coveted (Pelaia, n.d).

The Messiah

According to Judaism, a day will come when a Messiah- a person sent by the God will unite the world and will be successful in bringing peace to humanity. The tradition teaches that the Messiah will be the descendant of King David's family.

Jewish Sects

There are five forms of Judaism present;

Conservative Judaism comes in the midway between Reform and ...
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