Journey Of Post Graduate Law Education

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Journey of Post Graduate law Education

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Journey of Post Graduate law Education


The paper has intention to extricate the role of law in creating and maintaining equalities and justice in the society. The paper discusses the significance of studying law at the post graduate level to enhance the skills of individual. Moreover, the paper elucidates the career development opportunities in the post graduate law qualification. The study of law is exceptionally beneficial for the personality development. It facilitates individuals with high earning power as well as self satisfaction and social esteem. However, pursuing career in the field of law is challenging as it requires extra time and hard working and the degree of law in the United Kingdom is quite expensive but the profession is exceptionally alluring as it fascinates individuals with opportunities of feeling privileged and esteemed in the society. In addition to it, the paper encompasses some landmark cases such The Snail in the Bottle and Roe v Wade to highlight appropriate alterations in different areas of constitutions to secure the human rights. Moreover, it discusses the sales of gods act to extricate the rights of the buyers as well as to highlight the liabilities of the seller in case of breaching the contract. Further, it elucidates CISG and comparative constitutionalism to enlighten the desirability of uniform order to cater the challenges of the globalization in the context of law.

Element 1


Law can be defined as the set of rules and guidelines enforced by the social institutions as well as government bodies to govern the behavior of the people. Laws are made by the government of the State and the legislatures have major role in the formation of Law. However, it should be noticed that the formation of law is heavily dependent on the rules as well as rights encoded in the constitution. The intention of Law is to create and maintain peace and justice in the society by making some rules and regulations that must be followed by all the citizens.

Law has implications in all the fields. It shapes the basis of politics, economics as well as overall society in countless ways. Law serves as a social mediator with the intention of flourishing relations among people. However, it should be noticed that there is a distinction between civil law and common law. Civil law legislations embrace codifications and consolidation of legislatures while the common law facilitates judge made binding precedents. Law has implication in almost all the areas of everyday life. For instance, contract law provides basis for all the contracts between the people from buying a ticket for the bus to trading in stock exchanges. Moreover, property law facilitates the transfer of title of personal property as well as real property. On the other hand, trust law is applicable to the holding of assets with the intention of investments and financial security. In addition to it, tort law facilitates the people to claim for the damages of their property. However, it should be noticed that ...
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