Journal Entries

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Journal Entries

Journal Entries

Week 1

Reading 1.1

The conflict resolution network provides the creative response and resolution skills to build the strong organizations and committing relationships. The conflict resolution skills work as the tools to remove the hurdles from the pathway of success. The creative response gives the powerful messages to earn the reward in shape of conflict resolution. The creative response is based on the ways of thought transformation process where the parties are provided with the stimulus activity as such in the article, the block puzzle has been introduced. In the block puzzle activity the participants are provided with the construction problem and asked to discover the solution using the six blocks. This activity helps in affecting the ability to resolve problems. Moreover, the exploration of responses and reactions to response is also done where the participants are asked to think about the ongoing conflict and then asking them about questions to judge their responses.

In short, the creative response teaches the participants to look at the conflict from the different perspectives. The action programs have also been developed for more creative responses to the conflict resolution. The discovery approach is also a good way to search for the excellence by acknowledging how one feels about the situation and then applying the alternate way to impact the thought patterns of the parties. It tells about the better ways of doing things and opens up the new doors for looking at things in the future.

Week 2

Reading 2.1

Conflict arises from differences in values, needs and motivations. At times, we complement one another through the differences but on the other hand we get in to conflict. It is itself not counted as a problem; however, what actually counts is what we do with it.

It is obvious that an unresolved conflict can be very tiring and exhausting. These unresolved conflicts may demand a great deal of concentration because it needs a lot of energy. Therefore, there is a need of skills in order to resolve the conflict. Conflict resolution skills make it possible to get in touch more closely with other people in order to find out reasonable solutions as well as unbiased requirements together. It also finds a way around own differences and finding out possibilities.

Conflict resolution skills are considered very important because they are the tools for creating closeness and friendship among people. Moreover, the relationships turn out to be more sustaining and pleasing. As far as organizational manager is concerned, skillfully managing the conflicts is considered to be a necessary managerial tool.

Reading 2.2

Three Common Myths about Conflict Resolution are:

Every conflict can be resolved: Each and every conflict is not able to be resolved. The reason is that the issue which is the basis of the conflict at times becomes more important for the parties than their beliefs or values.

Every conflict must be resolved: Most of the time, the conflicts are done on such issues which seem to be somewhat not worth mentioning to some ...
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