Journal Article Review

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Journal Article Review

Journal Article Review


A Guide To Taking A Patient's History is an article published in Nursing Standard journal in the year 2007 written by Lloyd, H., & Craig, S. The article is a brief discussion over the process of taking a history from a patient which includes preparing the communication skis, the environment and most importantly the order. In psychiatric practice, a comprehensive study of the patient is crucial for proper diagnosis. This study is a research over the importance of developing medical history of the patient, the subjective and objective history of the disease, its development, studies the mental state of the patient, neurological, state of internal organs and analysis laboratory, instrumental and other research (Lloyd & Craig, 2007).

Summary of the Article

This comprehensive study of the patient require that physicians great care and sensitivity to the statements of the patient, slowness in its conclusions, in-depth study of the subject of individuality and the correct interpretation of his behavior. When writing a history curator must be remembered that more than history, more completely described pathological symptoms, the more he will have opportunities for proper diagnosis and adequate treatment assignment. The correct approach to the patient often ensures success of psychiatric research.

It is necessary to provide each and every one of the healthcare professionals care for patients with schizophrenia updated and reliable information on progress provided by applicable research and clinical field. This information will ensure greater utility that can be formulated in terms of a GPC regarded as a set of recommendations designed to help healthcare professionals and users select the best choice in the diagnosis and treatment of specific medical conditions specific circumstances. Study objective history in psychiatry is more important than in other areas of medicine, because the mentally ill are not always adequately perceive manifestations of their existing disease. Sometimes for getting more information about the social situation of the patient, the practitioners should visit the house or to dispatch a psychiatric nurse or social worker. After this visit, the patient's family life is often presented in a new light. Sometimes they often unable to come to a correct understanding of the relationships between family members than those found as a result of interviews at the hospital.

Moreover, the development of a guide must necessarily consider the recommendations conditions of actual clinical practice where they should be applied, i.e., all elements that affect clinical judgment and clinical practice, such as the specific characteristics of health care professionals in training, experience and expertise specific, the characteristics of the population served, including the acceptability of therapeutic approaches and informed consent, and, finally, the framework conditions the healthcare act as accessibility, availability of resources and the material conditions of assistance.

The article has highlighted how nurse can play a positive role in providing satisfaction to the patients. The case studies help by providing a clearer picture and understanding of how each different injury led to a different outcome. It is important to realize that Nurses can participate in developing the ...
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