Journal Article Annotation

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Journal Article Annotation

Journal Article Annotation

APA format citation

Oenema, A., Burg, J., Dijkstra, A., Weerdt, I., and Vries H. (2008). Efficacy and Use of an Internet-delivered Computer-tailored Lifestyle Intervention, Targeting Saturated Fat Intake, Physical Activity and Smoking Cessation: A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Society of Behavioral Medicine, 35, 125-135.

Number and description of participants

2,159 participants were recruited from 5,364 people. 4000 participants were invited to conduct the research finally from 2000 participants (46% male and 54% female).

Dutch adults (30 years or above)

Effective in Dutch language and computer skills.

The participants were split into two groups: intervention group (1080 participants) ...
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