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Summary of the reading

Human beings live in society is a clear and indisputable fact, an immediate fact, from our birth we are already in a social setting. It is an irreversible fact. Also bees and ants make up a society; however it looks the same "our social life" and the organization imposed on bees and ants. The first thing you should perhaps ask whether, as a human being is necessarily moral, it is also necessarily social. This we ask whether we really and truly human beings prior to our relationship with other human beings. Or on the contrary, our relationship with other men and women is essential, original and constitutive of human beings. If true the latter, the social dimension of human beings would not be an either side, but constitute the very reality of our being, moral and social reality (Green, Rene, 2005).

The human being deals with the world and acts accordingly. Interaction with the world and act upon it, its existence is this active relationship with the world. The world is with things and with other human beings, with other selves, and makes his life, necessarily and inseparably, with things and with other human beings. Under this original relation to other selves, our life is living, and our existence is properly co-existing (Green, Rene, 2005).

Concept, Functions and Characters of Institutions

What are social institutions and what is meant by institutionalization?. Institution can be understood by a particular social structure that follows from the social action of human beings, which takes a different objective of each individual and confronts him.

Institution Concept

The institutions are in relation to human activity and its self-production process. Human existence runs in a framework of order, social order thus plays a stabilizing role in society. The social is the product of human activity, social, about institutionalization plays an important role with respect to the biological needs of human beings. Man, through its institutions reaches a critical safety and naturalness of the act that the animal is guaranteed by the constraint of instinct.

The Role of Institutions

A social institution performs the several functions, which include, making a claim that meets minimum requirements and fundamental biological life, permanent satisfaction is derived from artificial needs, while objectification of their own content to actually influence again, directing and shaping the needs arising in the necessities of life.

Character of Institutions

The institutionalization process produces social institutions. It features the functions of controlling the human behavior, establishing pre-set guidelines for their referrals in a given direction. In such an institution and as such corresponds to a primary and social control. Moreover, the institutions will crystallize and acquire objectivity, are experienced as possessing its own reality, which presents the individual as an external and coercive fact (which exerts pressure), "exercise over him a power of coercion". The institutions also tend to social cohesion and integration. Furthermore, the institutional world requires legitimating, ways in which to be explained and justified (Argyris, 1994).

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In our exhibition have been a number of concepts or expressions, which we ...
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