Jordan Religious Tourism

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2.1 Definitions of Religious Tourism

Religious tourism, furthermore routinely mentioned to as belief tourism, is a pattern of tourism, whereby persons of belief journey individually or in assemblies go for pilgrimage, missionary, or leisure (fellowship) purposes. Religion has played a key role from their very first days in the development of leisure over the centuries and has influenced how people utilize their leisure time. Already in the Holy Bible (Genesis 2:1-3) a fragment name leisure time:

“Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation

(Adler 2009 78).”

Today religious journey, tourism, and hospitality is a dynamic $18-billion international commerce with 300 million travelers. In North America solely, it is approximated at $10 billion. But that's not all. In the past three decades, persons of belief have altered their expending customs and today buy first-class goods and services. Just believe of it as this: first-class journey is in, allowance journey is out.And now, probably the large-scale article of all, religious tourism in the 21st century no longer constitutes only pilgrimage and missionary travel; rather, in the modern-world it adopts the next twelve holiday segments:* Pilgrimages* Missionary* Cruises* Leisure/getaways* Conferences/conventions* Destinations/attractions* Retreats/guesthouses* Christian camps* Adventure/active* Volunteer vacations* Student/youth* Family/intergenerational

Al-Amin (2002), interprets how religious tourism is not one kind of tourism, as is the case of secular tourism and recounts two distinct kinds of religious tourism, a tourism presented through a religious obligation, and tourism where the information is noted and cited for broader dissemination. Should the objective of religious tourism be to get the Blessings of God, it would accomplish another target, and that is to appeal tourists. The objective is to insert to tourists a homeland which the tourists find unfamiliar and which is unrealistic to understand about without the reality of religious tourism in the first place. Visitors would furthermore be incapable to understand more about the persons of a homeland if religious tourism not lives there. (Al-Amin 2002) In this way, from the Islamic issue of outlook and as asserted by Shakiry (2003), tourism is incorporated in the international dream of civilized and interdependent tourism, whose primary bases are esteem of the noble human standards and ethics which preserves for the human being, esteem for the environment.

Religious tourism is that pattern that is solely or powerfully motivated for religious reasons. One of the oldest kinds of tourism and a worldwide occurrence of religious annals, it can be differentiated into diverse forms. The short-term religious tourism is differentiated by excursions to close by pilgrimage hubs or religious conferences. The long-term recounts visits of some days or weeks to nationwide and worldwide pilgrimage sites or ...
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