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Executive Summary

JoeDiverAmerica is an important and growing component of the international and domestic travel scene around the world? with divers now travelling extensively to view wrecks? coral reefs and caves (Tabata? 1992). To date? however? there has been little research undertaken in relation to the consumption aspects of the dive experience and the provision of service quality by dive tour operators. With this in mind? this paper has two overriding objectives? first to investigate the conceptualization and measurement of the service quality construct and its importance to the dive tourism industry. Second? to report the findings from a recently conducted exploratory study of dive tourist perceptions of service quality as it relates to the JoeDiverAmerica experience in Western Australia. An integral part of any organization's attempt to instill a “service culture” is a commitment to a process of “continuous improvement” (Witt and Muhlemann? 1995). To support this? a systematic approach to service quality measurement is needed. An implication of the research is that in an industry sector? which offers little by way of differentiation in terms of the dive sites visited? dive tour operators may be afforded the opportunity to differentiate themselves competitively on the basis of the quality of service provided. There is simply too much choice within the broader competitive environment. If they are not currently then they should become the focal issue of all organizational effort. More than at any other time in latest enterprise history their satisfaction is critical to future business survival. In turn this will be determined by an organization's ability to consign consistently on the service value front.

Table of Contents




Risk Analysis7






The concept of quality and its relationship with the service industries has become a major preoccupation of many within today's business environment (Zeithaml et al.? 1993) not least operators within the broad tourism sector. Tourism operators now have to serve an increasingly discerning public? who are now more eager than ever to complain and transfer their allegiances to perceived providers of quality services. This? coupled with the increasingly hostile nature of the present business environment? has forced many within the tourism sector to invest in the delivery of higher levels of service quality as a means of achieving competitive differentiation (Barsky? 1995; Berry? 1995).


According to Davidoff (1994) ? good quality service does not happen by accident “it occurs as a result of planned and intelligent effort”. Management commitment therefore? is the single most important ingredient in any customer-based service strategy. Indeed? it could be said that the strength of any companies underlying service culture is only as strong as its management commitment to that culture. Management must therefore be glimpsed to be dwelling and breathing the company approach to service. It is absolutely vital thus that they adopt the service ethic and encourage total engagement and firm pledge to it all through the organization. As service leaders? owner/operators must not only initiate the required changes? but must also “support? champion? and finance their planning and implementation” (Ramaswamy? ...