Job Study

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Job Study

Job Study


In today's competitive world, a “sit-back” mind-set directs to other ones getting ahead in the race. This is particularly factual for expertise and technology occupations where not holding stride with technological alterations directs to a gap in ability grades and an individual feels mechanically handicapped in evaluation with peers. An amalgamation of the overhead components or any of the components individually directs to worker attrition. On numerous events, workers find that the new job is a mismatch of former anticipations and eventual reality. At this juncture, workers gaze at other choices like yet another job swap or higher education.

My leadership goal as my learning outcome is focus on self-reflection as this will help me in highlighting my strengths and weaknesses and the ways in which I can improve. Moreover, I also aim to develop the self-esteem of my students and to keep them motivated at all times. As I learned about leadership, I decided to implement transformational leadership. Therefore, I am to take specific actions to improve my role of an educator by enhancing my listening skills and by students the employees to ask questions and to give suggestions. It often happens that students avoid asking any questions mainly because they feel afraid or because they think they might not get an answer to their question. According to me, this is extremely wrong and I should have a positive relationship with every student to make sure the learning environment is welcoming. I therefore, decided to take a different approach in order to make sure my way of transforming knowledge is better than the others and the students remain motivated (Cleak & Wilson, 2004, 101).


I have chosen to study business management because it gives me the freedom to choose my desired path of career. Moreover, I will get to experience a unique kind of education. This will promote my creativity and sense of independent thinking. I aim learn to work with others as a team, and this will immensely help me in developing practical as well as analytical skills that will help me in attaining global success. I will be doing work that I enjoy. The degree that I will obtain will help me in attaining my future goals.

Personally, I am interested in career in operational side, although there are many other diversified careers. This is because there are some careers in which an individual needs to learn about different things constantly. Therefore, these individuals have to keep themselves updated with the current trends because of which learning is extremely important. Since I work at the forefront, it is very important for me to keep myself updated with all the information and trends. I therefore, plan to enrol myself in various training programs and diplomas related to the field of education (Dubois & Miley, 2010, 24). The qualification that I will receive will immensely help me in achieving my future career goals. This is because, I will get to learn about new things related to my ...
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