Job Stress

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Adaptations to perceived job stress of Nurse Management

Adaptations to perceived job stress of Nurse Management


Job related stress is an extremely common ailment present in various situations, According to WebMD (2011) Job stress exists in various forms that has a direct impact on a person's mind and body in various ways. Ay small incident an leave a person feeling stressed and frustrated. Stress usually arises from having too much work load or not having enough work to do that would satisfy a person. Conflicts within the work environment are another reason for stress.

Stress is not necessarily a serious issue and usually exists in our day to day affairs, the body has stress hormones that speed up the heart rate and make breathing irregular. Stress can be useful in cases where a person needs to focus on work or a huge project needs to be finished. Being constantly stressed can lead to severe illnesses like for instance heart disease, high blood pressure, back problems and depression.

Causes of Job stress

Jon stress does not only affect a person's health it also has an effect on a person's relations, some of the major reasons for stress that have been identified are as follows:

Lack of Control

Having no control over work or job responsibilities is a huge factor behind stress, people who no control over their jobs are most likely more prone to developing stress related illnesses.

Added responsibility

Having extra responsibilities is also a huge factor that tends to lead towards stress. In certain jobs saying no to added responsibilities is not an option and people usually have to deal with the responsibilities.

Job Satisfaction

If a person isn't satisfied with their job or their performance is lacking people start feeling insecure and develop symptoms of stress.

Ambiguous job roles

Being uncertain about one's job duties and responsibilities, the goal of the company can lead to stress.

Lack of communication

Poor communication between employees and managers can also cause stress and cause employees to lack a sense of direction.

No support

Having no support from bosses or coworkers can cause great stress since there might not be anybody to help solve the problems that are causing stress.

Poor working conditions

Unpleasant work environment, large demanding crowd can also cause stress.

According to O'Connor (2002) Nurse Managers have an extremely important and stressful role in our present world and health care, he continues to say that the workplace of healthcare is constantly changing. The major changes involved include technology changes, increasing nurse's shortage, therefore nurses can be considered to as important stakeholders since they are responsible for managing change, staff retention and focusing on this changing healthcare system. Nurse Managers are responsible for creating and managing a positive environment, even though apparently much research has been conducted on nurses, there is a lack of research on the factor's that cause stress amongst manager nurses. Measurement of health outcomes amongst burse managers has been significantly limited to emotional outcomes in stress and only recently a link between emotional exhaustion in nurse managers has been established (Lashinger et ...
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