Job Interview

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Job Interview

Job Interview


This paper will present the answers to the interview questions which are given below. In order to find a good job, one needs to prepare for the interview before in order to avoid any mistakes during the interview sessions. Therefore, following are given some of the most important and basic questions which are being asked from almost every employer. We need to prepare for these questions in the paper.

Interview sessions are sometimes difficult for the people who do not prepare for them prior to the interviews. Hence, it is appropriate that a person or candidate must prepare for the interviews so that they may not get confuse during the interview and, this preparation would also help them in remain confident in front of the employer.

Generally, the interviewers look for the confidence in a candidate. If a person is not confident enough to reply to the questions in an interview session, the recruitment team would not consider him to short list even if he is well educated and experienced. Besides, a person who is confident enough to convey his ideas and replies to the interviewers would be considered to be short listed for another stage, even if he is a fresh graduate and does not have any experience of the job. Hence, main thing during an interview is to show confidence, and through before-hand preparation, a candidate would be able to gain required confidence.

Tell me about yourself.

My name is “_______”. I am 24 years old. Originally, I belong to United Arab Emirates. I have completed my MBA in Global Business from Coventry University, London Campus. I chose this country for my higher studies since I wanted to get quality education from a reputable place. I want to work here as I think it is one of most reputable firms of the industry. I am looking for a workplace which can provide me career and growth opportunities. I am planning to be settled permanently in this country.

I am a hardworking and dedicated person who loves adventures and different tasks to perform. I am honest and like integrity in every deal of work. There is one good thing about me that whenever I am assigned to a project or task, I show keen interest to every little or small details of the work and try to learn new things regarding the subject. I like surfing new ...
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