Job Dissatisfaction & High Turnover At The Lima Tire Plant In Treadway Tire Company

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Job Dissatisfaction & High Turnover at the Lima Tire Plant In Treadway Tire Company

Job Dissatisfaction & High Turnover at the Lima Tire Plant In Treadway Tire Company


The company success and failure depend upon the power and relationship of any organization. The Lima plant has a problem of high turnover rate as it is the biggest turnover of eight plants operated by treads way. The turnover rate is affecting the success of the plant. The Lima plant manager Brandon Bellingham had a hand over the serious problem to Ashley wall, and Ashley wall has to correct this problem (Coghlan, 2010). The key issues in the case of the treadway tire plant in Lima, at Ohio identified job dissatisfaction and turnover among the line foremen. Their relationship with union and management was not up to mark that is why they were facing certain issues and they must cope up with the needs and interest of both the management and union (Skinner, 2008).


The key issues that the foremen were facing upon the high turnover of the company worker were the demand of the Lima plant was about 12 hour shift. The cost saving of the company is affecting company productivity. Upper level management thinks that the foreman could learn and think about their job. Foreman felt that they had little authority over linemen. Foremen are very critical workers in order to reach the factory goals. In this company, the problem is found that the supervisor had a little respect for their employee. They think that they are not behaving respectfully with the employees. They were provided lack of training, and they were not satisfied with the supervisors that were the key issues identified by the line foreman (Coghlan, 2010).

They were of the view that in the organization, they are working for there is limited chance of career advancement. They are facing pressures as to increase productivity and reduce the amount of cost. The major problem was the relationship between the line foreman and the direct supervisor. They were of the view that they have not provided proper training to perform the job task, and the tension between supervisor and line foreman was disrupting the performance of the employee. They had a director of human resources he quickly analyze the cause to solve the problem and he has provided an action plan as to reduce the turnover of the line foreman and remove their complaints (Skinner, 2008).

There are certain factors that play a main role in imparting these key issues they are foreman are in conflicting direction of the management and union. It was identified that foreman has to many responsibilities, yet they have no authority, so they do not have support to deal effectively with the authority. They do cope with personnel, resource and administrative issues. They felt unsupported by the upper management. They have an external locus of control that is they will be extroverted feelings going on with them, and they cannot keep things hidden. They have a burst out ability ...
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