Human resource management is considered as the heart and blood of an organization. HR department of every company is responsible to prepare job description for the employees (Akrani, 2011, pp1). Job description is a guide line for employees of the organization, to perform the job at its optimal level. JD is strongly associated with human resource management. In this assignment, I will write a report to my departmental manager for effective implementation of job design in the organization.
Job design
In simple terms, the development of content job is regarded as job design. It is the process of putting all the elements together to form a job, by keeping the organization and employee requirement under consideration, as well as the health and safety issues are taken under consideration (Buchanan, 1979, pp 12-14). The method of organizing certain sets of tasks and positions is regarded as job design. The evaluation of job coordinator helps in determining
What tasks needs to be done
How and when the task should be done
What should be the intensity of a particular job
How the task orders have to be completed
The content and task of organization
A perfect job design must incorporate all the organizational values and goals. Job design indicates that what qualifications are required to perform a job, and what are the rewards for doing certain job. The rewards are in terms of non-financial and financial benefits. When the HR department designs a job, it is their responsibility to keep the organization and individuals' needs under consideration. The organizational needs of organization include fair practice and productivity at its optimal level. A good job design should constitute all the rules and regulation of the organization.
Aspects of job design
A good job design contains three aspects that are work organization, job structuring and scheduling/location (Bailey, pp 1-3). In work organization, replacing and rearranging of work is done. It includes details of automation, team work and division of work. Job design also includes the worker additional responsibility which can be given to an employee depending on the work load. The most important element of work organization is the rotation of work. It is believed, by many experts that monotonous in job leads to employee dissatisfaction. A good job design must constitute the element of job rotation for the best interest of employees and organization. Employees will only work well, if they are satisfied with the job which is assigned to them.
Job structuring is considered as one of the integral aspect of job design. It structures the job in which the responsibilities of employees are segmented. The employees are given autonomy in several areas of job. The job structuring is also associated with self organization. The employees structure their time and management according to their desire.
Location/scheduling are also considered as one of the important aspect of job design. It includes all the details of work which needs to be done by the employees at various locations (Bailey, pp ...