Job Design

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Job Design in Organisations

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[Name of the Centre]

Table of Contents

Briefly outline the contemporary people management issue you will analyse.3

Which of the specified elements of the module will it focus upon?4

Why is this issue a significant one for you and/or the organisation?5

What theoretical concepts and/or management tools will you use to support your analysis? (N.B Indicate particular sources/references wherever possible)6

Coaching and Delegating6

Measuring Performance7

Benefits and Compensation8

Case Study: Miles Rent-A-Car to Sustain Its Successful Brand Image9

If possible, indicate the areas that might be covered in your conclusions and the recommendations.10

Survey to Analyze Needs of Employees10

Survey to Measure Effectiveness10

Devise a Reward System to Cater Needs of Employees11


Job Design in Organisations

Briefly outline the contemporary people management issue you will analyse.

No matter what the business, it gets its strength form proper organization. The more organized and effective the numerous braches of the business are, the more efficiently will the organization produce and prosper. The contemporary people management issue that I will analyze is job design. The main purpose of job design is to increase both employee motivation and productivity (Parker & Wall, 1998, pp. 35). Increased productivity can manifest itself in various forms. For example, the focus can be that of improving quality and quantity of goods and services, reduce operation costs, and/or reduce turnover and training costs. Job design is the way a series of tasks or the task itself will be executed. Job design helps to decide the following:

What are the tasks to be done

How they will be executed

What needs to be done

In what order they will be executed

Job design takes into account all factors that affect work and do whatever it takes to reduce the risk of an employee to work. The design will include administrative tasks such as:



pace of work performance and the operation of machinery;



Good job design promotes the following: adoption of good positions, reasonable requirements in terms of physical strength, reasonable demands of mental activity, it will also help to stimulate the appreciation of the work and self-esteem (Pepitone & Bruce, 1999, pp. 14).

Which of the specified elements of the module will it focus upon?

The specified element of the module which will be the focus is employee management. People come together to form organizations aimed at achieving common goals. When they grow, organizations need more people to carry out their activities. These people to join organizations pursue different individual goals they had in the beginning. This makes organizational objectives diverge from the individual and do not always agree. They are almost always in opposition. If one party takes advantage, the other discounted. The most important factor of the employee management is the training and development of the employees. The analysis will focus upon the training and development of the employees, as well as other benefits which ought to be provided to them.

Training and development helps in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers typically display (Shah, 2008, pp.36). Training is the process of enhancing the skills, capabilities ...
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