Job Description Paper

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Job Description Paper

Job Description Paper


Job description may be considered as a great worth to any company, but often, constructing a job description outcomes in a thought process that assists in determining that how vital and decisive the job may be for an employee, and then through that determination, the main characteristics of that job are identified that are necessarily required to effectively perform by the hired employee.

In this paper, there will be an exploration of various areas of job from the perspectives of a specifically chosen position (i.e. the Front desk Manager at a “JW Marriott Luxury Hotel). Moreover, there will also be an exploration of minimum of two selection methods that are used for recruiting qualified candidates in an organization, and also the reasons for using such two most appropriate methods for selecting employees will be given in the paper.

Discussion Forum

Job Description Summary

A candidate is required who must be capable of offering an admirable and exceptional guest service at all times through maintaining consistency and high standards of tremendous customer service, supervising and managing all the tasks that are related to Front Desk, and also for coaching and monitoring the team.

Key Areas of the Job Description

In order to create a job description for a Front desk Manager of a luxurious hotel, there is a need to take into consideration some of the important areas which are mentioned below:


A Front desk Manager will be responsible for reading the logbook on daily basis and then will be taking actions accordingly. Not only this, but he/she will require to take participation in shift handovers and meetings regularly; will be cooperating and coordinating with employees of various departments; will be escorting and welcoming all VIP guests and other visitors by taking into considerations the established quality standards; will be checking the levels of all VIPs arriving; will be reserving rooms for all individual as well as for group VIPs; will be contributing towards hotel through sharing new suggestions and ideas for process improvements; will be highly influential in communication with almost every department of the hotel; will be ensuring that all the concerned departments are kept updated with the work processes; and will be following up on action procedures (Fine & Cronshaw, 1999).

Tools and Technology

A Front desk Manager must also be very much expert and proficient in using various technologies and tools as they are required to use various ...
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