Job Description And Exit Strategy

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Job Description and Exit Strategy

D & G Solutions

Three designations for the company.

Manager Marketing

Manager Finance

Sales Executive

Job Description of Sales Executive

Job Description

Sales Executive is responsible for overall improvement in the sales of the company. The task includes development of overall sales strategy which should be sustainable and long-term as well as customer oriented sales strategy. The performance criteria includes meeting up the quarterly and yearly benchmarks defined by the manager Operations along with the CEO. Relationship development with new customers and ensuring a continuous follow up on the client until the sale is executed. Developing strategies with respect to individual customers and making presentation in order to provide customer with full information about the company, service and the level or quality of service which a customer will be provided.

Duties and Responsibilities

Sales Manager should ensure that the promotion of the solution services of D & G Solutions. Sales Manager also needs to maintain strong relationships with the existing and potential customers. Continues feedback should be obtained and problem solution should be the priority of the sales manager. It will help in product improvement and customer retention. Monthly feedback should be provided to the Marketing Manager with respect to market and customer intelligence. Representing company on national forums and exhibitions. Analyzing the competitors aggressively and critically, and implementing the best practices in the market in the sales strategy of the company.

Reporting Relationships

Sales Manager have a solid line reporting to Manager Operations who will be assessing the daily targets of the sales and will provide the feedback to the CEO about the success or failure of the objectives. Sales Manager Need to provide feedback to the operations manager bout the response obtained from the market. It will help in determining a better strategy for successful solution.

Pay Range

Sales Manger will be given a ...
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