Job Description

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Job Description

Job Description

Running boat trips according to the schedule advised by the boats and beach manager.

The staff responsible for the scheduling of beach trips is required to carefully check the schedule of the boat trips that are planned and advised by the beach and boats manager. The staff is also responsible for monitoring the boat trip for accuracy of the timings of sailing and coming back on the port. The specific timings of the boat trips will be communicated to the staff responsible for the running of boat trips as per the schedule of the boat system of the resort. In any case of emergency or mismanagement, the staff must complain to the beach and boats manager.

Provide courteous and cheerful service in all dealings with guests of the hotel. Answer all guest questions and respond to the request clearly and carefully.

The staff present inside the resort should have a courteous behavior with the incoming and residing guests of the hotel. They must be welcomed with a smile and a cheerful response. The staff must avoid the use of any harsh language and rude behavior with the guests of the hotel. If the guests have any kind of query related to the hotel then the staff must answer it generously and in case the staff is unaware about something asked or have a little knowledge of the concern that the guest must be redirected to the assistant manager for further clarification.

Observe maximum safety requirements on all boat trips paying particular attention to wind sea conditions, age and requirement of passengers and any other relative factor.

The staff will be trained for the observance of strict safety requirements and conditions of the boat trips. The same should be delivered to the customers and guests who come to the resort for spending their holidays and vacations. The staff needs to be updated regarding the conditions of whether on daily basis specifically the wind sea conditions and they must acquire the knowledge regarding the age and other requirements of the passenger. These factors must be ensured before sending people on the boat ride. The staff responsible for the safety requirements and conditions must be held responsible in case of non observance of the particular safety procedures.

Under supervision of Beach and Boats Manager, maintain areas of beach and boats and boat dock in a clean tidy condition.

The janitorial staff is responsible for the maintenance and cleanliness of the beach and boats areas and premises of the beach are that lies under the resort area. The beach and boats manager will be providing supervision to the staff in these conditions. The staff needs to carefully follow the instructions of the manager. The maintenance and cleanliness of the beach and boats area and the boat dock includes the sweeping, moping and brushing the areas that becomes untidy due to the mixing of sand or dust with the water of the beach.

Report immediately to beach and boats manager any malfunction of any boat or ...
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