Job Description

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Job Description

Job Description


The paper provides insight in to the necessary qualifications that are required for the position of physical director at Healthy Living Club. The discussion starts with a description of the job position followed by the essentials of the designation. We shall analyze the skills and qualifications necessary for the position.

Position Summary

The Girls' Physical Director manages all functions necessary to efficiently operate a well-organized and successful girls' athletics program. The Girls' Physical Director is the program coordinator for the Healthy Living Club, a nutritional program focused on healthy eating and being physically active. In addition, this position holds primary responsibility for program budgeting, part-time employee supervision, database management, and equipment inventory and management. The Girls' Physical Director works directly with parents of club members and volunteers and is responsible for developing and fostering interpersonal relationships with them in order to promote a positive community environment. The Girls' Physical Director is also expected to lead and motivate all subordinate staff members and child members of the club (Mackay, 2010).

Job Duties

The Girls' Physical Director typically:

* Arranges and coordinates all scheduling, management, program budgeting, equipment dispersal and travel arrangements for girls' sports teams.

* Maintains database for 100 participants of the Healthy Living Club.

* Observes members' performance and records relevant data to assess physical fitness progress and daily snack intake.

* Supervises and coordinates the work activities of personnel, such as training staff members and assigning work duties.

* Monitors and reviews programming to ensure that schedules are met, guidelines are followed, and performance by staff members including: event control, facility cleansing and supervision of activities are of superior quality.

* Attends bi-weekly staff meetings to discuss club events, issues, new programs, etc.

* Evaluates recreation areas and facilities to determine if they are producing desired results.

* Evaluates new and existing programming through club member survey evaluations to determine any need for changes.

* Administers first aid as procedures indicate and notifies emergency medical personnel when necessary.

Tools and Technology

Girls' physical director should be aware of the following tools and technology:

* Photocopiers

* Scanning Machines

* Computers

* Fax Machines

* Accounting software

* Document management software

* Electronic mail software

* Internet browser software

* Microsoft Office software

* Emergency medical services: first aid kits

* Passenger Vans


* Due to occasional sports tournaments, camps, and field trips, some weeks may require working overtime.

Worker Specifications

Academic Preparation/Knowledge

* This position requires a bachelor's degree and at least one year of experience within the sports industry.

* Requires at least two years experience working ...
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