Job Analysis And Evaluation

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Job Analysis and Evaluation

Job Analysis and Evaluation

Job Analysis Process, its Organizational Effectiveness and Methods

Job Analysis or Study can be defined as a process of identifying the attributes and abilities required to perform work of any specific nature. Therefore, the process benefits an organization in many ways. These studies help an organization in preparing criteria for job specifications and job descriptions for any peculiar job vacancy. This criterion, once finalized, makes sure that the right quality of workforce is hired in an organization. The general purpose of job analysis is to document the requirements of a job and the work performed. In other words, these studies benefit an organization or its Human Resource department by ensuring the hiring of capable and suitable employee for the right position. Therefore, organizations conducting Job Analysis are greatly valued.

Any organization that recruits its employees based on the outcomes of the conducted analysis is clearer of the nature of employees it wishes to hire. By selecting the right candidate for the right position, the employees are expected to be already an expert in that nature of work. Hence, any organization carefully designing the job analysis parameters and implementing them accordingly is more likely to have a well-coordinated environment with minimum chaos.

Some of the most obvious factors that will immediately evaluate the effectiveness of the process includes if the employees hired needs training and up to what extent. In addition, the organization can also evaluate its job analysis procedures by judging if the employees are self-sufficient or constantly require guidance. These factors indicate that the employees selected lack the knowledge and expertise required for the job. Besides, the satisfaction of employees towards the organization will be reflected in their performance and behavior if the promotion criteria, compensation plans, salary and other benefits planned in the analysis ...
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