Job Analysis

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Job analysis

Job analysis

Question 1 Job design can have a significant effect on motivation. One technique designed to improve motivation and, consequently, job satisfaction and performance is job rotation(Judge 2001). This approach is "to employees moving from a specialized task to another." The goal is to increase interest and motivation of employees to get a broader and more complete understanding of the organization. Research on the effects of this approach is conclusive, however. In my own experience, I was promoted and worked in a job rotation system. Although my experience is limited, I found that after a promotion, experienced a greater awareness, the desire to learn, and the general attitude towards the new position and the organization in general. This effect would eventually taper out, however, as I would like to acquire the basic skills necessary to perform the new position and lose the state reasoned that accompanied the promotion. When working in a retail store, however, I had the opportunity to work in a system where actions are taken functions only in a few days and sales rights only on other days. Compared with first example of the effects of promotion, I found that job rotation limited my boredom any work of an individual, because of the variety of my work days. The compensation, however, was I felt that my skills are decreased slightly after prolonged for several days (or more) dismissal of a task. This does not mean, however, that job rotation is not effective, as other factors like the days of the week is devoted to the task that could also have contributed to my personal experience. Also, my work itself may have played a similar paper(Rode 2004). Job rotation, in theory, it sounds like an effective approach to motivation. Is it certainly seems, however, that further research should be conducted to determine more precisely, their advantages and disadvantages.

Question 2 Job Analysis A job analysis is the process of obtaining information on employment. Job analysis has five methods used to complete job duties and specifications. According to Cascio(Judge 2001) Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, the benefits, the five methods are: Description of methods Work of an analystComment The analyst observes the workers or equipment to do the work. Interview The analyst uses a standard format for collecting the contributions of all workers in the sample to the interview. In this way all ...
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