Job Analysis

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Job Analysis

Job Analysis

An entry-level job in a customer service call center

For this analysis would on the basis of understanding the job of an entry level job at a customer service call center. This job needs to be analyzed at length, because call center jobs, according to my point of view, are the toughest jobs that are ever to be framed and designed.

Servicing customers and client traffic and maintaining your calm strong-headed personality is one of the toughest jobs as a person when it comes to marinating calm and composure at the time of dealing with people.

Hence, my choice of analyzing the job responsibilities for this job is of particular interest and importance. Understanding the demands and requirements that have been posted in this particular job description would be of particular interest and concern which would highlight and identify how job descriptions are being designed for this particular designation.

Job Descriptions - Offering by different companies

Job Description - Dial-A-Cab

As the title suggests, Dial-A-Cab is in the service of providing car and vehicle services that have been undertaken in the area of transportation. Following is the Job Description that has been designed for this particular job.

Job Purpose:

To handle telephone calls effectively by handling and processing queries and concerns

To deliver a high quality of customer service to every account & cash customer.

Key Tasks/Responsibilities:

To handle calls in a consistent, calm, polite and prompt manner

To analyze situations and giving out effective advice to customer and clients

To adhere to high standards of customer service

To process the account and cash bookings through the V6 dispatch system.

To call customers back to inform them of vehicle status.

Additional Responsibilities:

To administer bookings through the Concierge System for customers who choose to book all ground transportation through Dial-A-Cab.

Job Description B - Morton Solutions

Morton Solutions is a ...
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