Jesus And The Gospels

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Jesus and the Gospels

Jesus and the Gospels


When a person reads the 'New Testament', he discovers four accounts or gospels which are related with the preaching and philosophy of Jesus. These narratives are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The expression 'gospel' refers good news. They all cover activities and wonders by Jesus that have a religious implication. These Four Gospels are not memoirs of Jesus in the contemporary sense of a separate, scholarly account of an individual's life. In actual fact, this type of text was unidentified to the prehistoric era. Accounts were inscribed to motivate, educate a message, advice, or influence, not to just update. The main rationale of these four accounts appears to be twofold: to communicate the proceedings in the unusual life of Jesus, and carry out so in such a manner that its addressers will take action in faith. The biographer of Gospel of John asserts the latter inspiration openly: "Jesus carried out many other phenomenal miracles... But these are inscribed that you may consider and that by considering you may have life in Jesus " (John 20:31). The paper will discuss the Jesus and the Gospels. It would also provide evaluation of the various discourses given by Jesus in the four gospels. The paper will also assess the impact of the miracles, signs and wonders that Jesus performed in the gospels. The paper would also further contrast the four gospel narratives including the emphases on the person of Jesus Christ.


Discourses given by Jesus

Sermon of Mount is considered as the first discourse which was given by Jesus as described by Matthew. It is considered as the longest discourse which is found in the four gospels. The place of delivery of this discourse is not fixed other than that "He went up into a mountain," but it was probably some altitude of land in Galilee, near Capernaum (Matt. IV:13). The time of its delivery is also not fixed and it is considered after the debut by John. Jesus did some preaching in Galilee and performed some miracles (Matt. IV:23, 24), other than the delivery of this sermon occurred before the miracles which Matthew related (James, 1994, p. nd).

The discourse covers 109 verses and is based in 3 chapters of Matthews Text. In the fours Gospels there is no other discourse mentioned corresponding to the Sermon of Mount other than Luke. Chapter IV is based on discourse which is based on 29 verse which is same as the corresponding verses as present in the Sermon of Mount. The place of delivery of this discourse is also not fixed other than that it was on a plain (Luke VI: 17) and near Capernaum (Luke VII: 1). The time for this discourse is also not fixed except the Luke sermon which occurs after number of events and miracles (Luke IV: 33-44; VI: 1-19). In Matthew, this sermon is narrated before the events (Matt VIII and following) (Abdul, 2005, ...
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