Jamal Abdul Nasser The Egyptian's Leader

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Jamal Abdul Nasser the Egyptian's leader

Jamal Abdul Nasser the Egyptian's leader


Gamal Abdel Nasser was born in the neighborhood Bakus in Alexandria, Egypt, on January 15, 1918. He was the eldest son of a farmer from the region Sa'aid in western Egypt. Through much effort and study, his father got a job at the Post Office, to provide the basic needs of the family, causing many changes in the city and schools during childhood son Gamal. The place where the family remained for longer was the region of the Nile Delta, where Gamal finished primary school, then going to the capital Cairo completing grade school. Since small Gamal Nasser was an avid reader, especially issues related to politics and history, and among his favorite authors were Voltaire, Victor Hugo, Charles and Sheakespeare Dins. He was a dedicated student and active so that in 1935 he served as Julius Caesar in a school play, including being assisted by the minister of education in Egypt (Witte, 2004).

Gamal Nasser became famous as one of the most charismatic leaders of the third world , including Brazil where it says that the then President Quadros ruled with a photo of the Egyptian leader in his office. Gamal Abdel Nasser was a milestone in the history of Egypt as well as the broad smile that showed all his life.


Early Life

At 19, he made his first attempt to enter the military school, unsuccessfully, at the time the school only admitted the sons of aristocratic families and who entered the entity understatement. It was then that Gamal Nasser began studies at the Faculty of Law. In 1938 however, after reformulation in Military School, were vacancies for all social classes and Gamal made the second tentantiva realize the great dream of being military. Was accepted and completed their course forming as 2nd Lieutenant. Later he was transferred to Sudan's capital, Khartoum, where he remained for a year. In 1940 he was promoted to 1st lieutenant and sent to the region of Al Ala'amein , where he remained until 1942. That same year he was appointed commander of the division Al A'alamein remaining so for a period of 01 years, when he enlisted for teaching at the Royal Military Academy. Getting a teaching position, he remained for 03 years teaching (Witte, 2004).

On June 29, 1944 he married Tahia Kazem, daughter of an Iranian merchant and was presented by his uncle to Gamal Khalil. Of this marriage were born five children, two girls: Hoda and Muna and three boys: Khaled Abdul Hamid and Abdul Hakim. His wife had fundamental importance in your life, especially in the critical years that formed and led the organization of the Free Officers , from 1948 to 1952, a group formed to make the revolution of July 23, a move that would change the whole story Egypt.

The Leader Nasser, as a colonel already assumed leadership of the Revolutionary Council and the command of the armed forces, while General Muhammad Naguib, nominally the leader of the ...
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